1 |
Riverbank reinforcement by riparian roots |
Pages 1-8 |
Bruce Abernethy and Ian Rutherfurd
2 |
The “science” of consultation: A Tasmanian experience |
Pages 9-14 |
Sonia Anderson
3 |
Rivers in the rangelands – What’s happening in the Lake Eyre basin |
Pages 15-20 |
Kate Andrews
4 |
Roles of Goulburn City in managing catchment water quality |
Pages 21-26 |
Peter Bacon, Judith Rawling, Robyn Tuft, Andrew Smith, Jack Miller and Marina van Vliet
5 |
A proposed plan for the rehabilitation of the Snowy River in Victoria |
Pages 27-32 |
Michael Bain and John Tilleard
6 |
Our patch – A community challenge |
Pages 33-38 |
Rachel Barratt
7 |
The recovery of geomorphic complexity in disturbed streams: Using migrating sand slugs as a model |
Pages 39-44 |
Rebecca Bartley and Ian Rutherfurd
8 |
Providing useful information through monitoring activities |
Pages 45-50 |
Jane Bateson, Murray Rankin, Chris Barry, Dirk Holwerda, Stuart Minchin and Nick Souter
9 |
Management of stock access to the riparian zone |
Pages 51-56 |
Ian Bell and Tom Priestley
10 |
Sediment deposition and delivery for a small agricultural catchment during a major rainfall event in Belgium |
Pages 57-62 |
Laurent Beuselinck, J. Nachtergaele, I. Takken, G. Govers, A. Steegen and J. Poesen
11 |
Inventory of dams in the Marne catchment, South Australia |
Pages 63-68 |
Karla Billington and Steven Kotz
12 |
River management arising from willow removal (where there’s a willow there’s a way) |
Pages 69-74 |
Christopher Bobbi
13 |
Sustainable riverine sand and gravel extraction in Queensland, a new resource management approach |
Pages 75-80 |
Sally Boon
14 |
The role of subsurface biological filters in gravel-bed river rehabilitation strategies |
Pages 81-86 |
Andrew Boulton
15 |
Development of community based river planning on the north coast of New South Wales |
Pages 87-92 |
Peter Boyd, Tony Broderick, Sharon Cunial and Fiona Nagel
16 |
River Styles: An integrative biophysical template for river management |
Pages 93-100 |
Gary Brierley
17 |
Linking water management and waterway management in the Yarra River, Victoria, Australia |
Pages 101-106 |
Sandra Brizga, Neil Craigie and Scott Seymour
18 |
Fluvial geomorphology and management of stream erosion in the Bunyip Main Drain, Victoria |
Pages 107-112 |
Sandra Brizga, Neil Craigie and Scott Seymour
19 |
Rehabilitation of streams receiving inter-basin transfers – NSW north coast |
Pages 113-120 |
Tony Broderick and David Outhet
20 |
Lessons for river managers from the fluvial tardis (direct insight into post-European channel changes from a near-intact alluvial river) |
Pages 121-128 |
Andrew Brooks
21 |
Large woody debris and the geomorphology of a perennial river in southeastern Australia |
Pages 129-136 |
Andrew Brooks
22 |
Biological assessment of aquatic habitat rehabilitation in the Broken River and Ryans Creek, north east Victoria |
Pages 137-142 |
Paul Brown, John Douglas, Geoff Gooley and Wayne Tennant
23 |
Incorporating ecological enhancements into the Cooma flood mitigation scheme |
Pages 143-148 |
John Bucinskas, Richard Evans and Neil Benning
24 |
The East Gippsland floods of June 1998: Stream erosion and the response of catchment management |
Pages 149-154 |
Rex Candy and Lindsay White
25 |
Rehabilitation of disturbed stream frontages using natural vegetation templates – A case study on the Yarra River, Victoria |
Pages 155-162 |
Geoff Carr, Roger Lord and Scott Seymour
26 |
Who is watching our water? Waterwatch Australia |
Pages 163-168 |
Sarah Chalkley, Brendan Edgar and Kate Gowland
27 |
Community involvement in stream management |
Pages 169-172 |
Alistair Christie
28 |
Enhanced vegetation survey techniques for riparian management |
Pages 173-176 |
Glenn Christie and Steve Clarke
29 |
Phosphorus uptake efficiency of three aquatic macrophyte species and their response to harvesting |
Pages 177-180 |
Steve Clarke and Scotte Wedderburn
30 |
Channel recovery mechanisms in a forested catchment, Jones creek, East Gippsland: Lessons for river management in southeastern Australia. |
Pages 181-186 |
Tim Cohen
31 |
Assessing the health of Melbourne’s waterways |
Pages 187-192 |
Rhys Coleman and Vincent Pettigrove
32 |
Restoring fundamental ecological processes in small, forested upland streams: The importance of riparian vegetation. |
Pages 193-198 |
Peter Davies and Stuart Bunn
33 |
The role of historical research in stream restoration: A case study from central Victoria |
Pages 199-204 |
Jennifer Davis and Brian Finlayson
34 |
Use of spell analysis as a practical tool to link ecological needs with hydrological characteristics |
Pages 205-210 |
Alieta Donald, Rory Nathan and Julia Reed
35 |
Muddy waters: Issues in assessing the impact of in-stream structures for river restoration |
Pages 211-218 |
Peter Downs, Kevin Skinner and Philip Soar
36 |
A geomorphic study into the effect and remedies of European influences on the Nambucca River catchment: Lessons for gravel-bed river management in coastal southeastern Australia |
Pages 219-224 |
Chris Doyle, Gerald Nanson and Steve Perrens
37 |
Love your river – Love your river operator |
Pages 225-230 |
Ben Dyer
38 |
The effect of vegetation on flood levels |
Pages 231-236 |
Rachel Eley and Robert Keller
39 |
A protocol for river rehabilitation |
Pages 237-244 |
Wayne Erskine and Ashley Webb
40 |
Why should people adopt best practice stream management? |
Pages 245-248 |
John Fargher and Helen Watts
41 |
Know your catchment! The importance of understanding controls on River Styles and their distribution in catchment management |
Pages 249-256 |
Rob Ferguson
42 |
Broad scale delivery of rural riparian rehabilitation programs: An example from the River Torrens, South Australia |
Pages 257-262 |
Geoff Fisher, Jason Carter and Jim Burston
43 |
The Maribyrnong River, lessons from a decade of stream stabilisation works |
Pages 263-266 |
David Fisher
44 |
Cumulative effects analysis – Grasping the big picture of environmental change in river systems |
Pages 267-272 |
Tim Fletcher and Leon Bren
45 |
Moving from science to sustainability |
Pages 273-278 |
Derek Foster
46 |
The recovery potential of River Styles in the Bega catchment, NSW: A catchment based framework for prioritisation of river rehabilitation strategies |
Pages 279-286 |
Kirstie Fryirs
47 |
Secrets in the sediments: A history of sediment and pollution loads in the lower Torrens River, S.A. |
Pages 287-292 |
Peter Gell, Peter Wallbrink, Glenn Tassicker and Marie Illman
48 |
Watercourse survey in the Bremer Barker catchment |
Pages 293-298 |
Meredith Gibson and Beryl Belford
49 |
Developing a focused vision for river rehabilitation: The lower Snowy River, Victoria |
Pages 299-306 |
Christopher Gippel
50 |
The operational effectiveness of the bath’s precinct on-line wet retention pond, Armidale, NSW, Australia |
Pages 307-312 |
A.P. Goodridge and P.H. Southcott
51 |
Is it feasible to restore the salinity-affected rivers of the western Australian wheatbelt? |
Pages 313-318 |
Thomas Hatton and Ramsis Salama
52 |
Natural near-stream hydrological buffering: The role of a small alluvial fan on the Southern Tablelands, NSW |
Pages 319-324 |
Natasha Herron and Cathy Wilson
53 |
ERAPSM: A model for setting priorities for environmental aspects of waterway |
Pages 325-330 |
Shelley Heron, Chris Chesterfield and Arthur Sovitslis
54 |
The use of native long-stem tubestock as an alternative to willows for controlling streambank erosion |
Pages 331-334 |
Bill Hicks, Allan Raine, Grant Crabbe and Mark Elsley
55 |
Sand and gravel transport rates in Queensland rivers |
Pages 335-340 |
Anthony Horn, Marianna Joo and Wojciech Poplawski
56 |
Caps, sinks, drains and hot air: The implications and opportunities to restore rivers arising from controls on greenhouse emissions |
Pages 341-346 |
Anthony Hurst and Belinda Bergin
57 |
Integrated management of the disposal of sewage effluent and environmental flows: Turning a flush into a flow. |
Pages 347-352 |
Anthony Hurst
58 |
The use of systems methodologies in natural resource development management |
Pages 353-358 |
William Hutchinson
59 |
Stream restoration lessons learned in North Carolina, USA |
Pages 359-364 |
Gregory Jennings and William Harman
60 |
Stream rehabilitation essentials: A conceptual framework and an integrated planning and design procedure |
Pages 365-370 |
Ross Kaptizke
61 |
Sediment storage capacity of grass buffer strips |
Pages 371-376 |
Linda Karssies and Ian Prosser
62 |
A world apart, but far from different – Stream and river management in the Czech Republic. |
Pages 377-380 |
Vlastimil Kostkan
63 |
Successful stream rehabilitation: First set the goals |
Pages 381-388 |
Anthony Ladson, John Tilleard and Sarah Ewing
64 |
Providing for fish passage at small instream structures in Victoria |
Pages 389-394 |
Barry Lewis, Tim O’Brien and Siraj Perera
65 |
Changing approaches to river management in the Tasmanian hydro electricity system |
Pages 395-400 |
Helen Locher
66 |
Translating research into real-life results: Making river research relevant |
Pages 401-404 |
Siwan Lovett and P.C. Price
67 |
River restoration: A comprehensive framework |
Pages 405-410 |
Alicia Lucas, Simon Nicol and John Koehn
68 |
Edges define the stream! Restoring the integrity of riparian zones beginning with coarse woody debris (CWD) on the Murray-Darling floodplains |
Pages 411-416 |
Ralph MacNally and Amber Parkinson
69 |
Stream management & education for sustained communities |
Pages 417-420 |
Rex Manson and Bon Darlington
70 |
Restoration of alienated floodplain channels: Effects on interstitial assemblages |
Pages 421-426 |
Pierre Marmonier, Cécile Claret and Marie-José Dole-Olivier
71 |
Large woody debris in some Australian streams: Natural loading, distribution and morphological effects |
Pages 427-432 |
Nick Marsh, Ian Rutherfurd and Kathryn Jerie
72 |
Sampling large woody debris loading in streams: A comparison of the line-intersect and census methods |
Pages 433-438 |
Nick Marsh, Kathryn Jerie and Christopher Gippel
73 |
Preliminary results on the effectiveness of riparian buffers in far north Queensland |
Pages 439-444 |
Lucy McKergow, Ian Prosser and Dale Heiner
74 |
Hypotheses of the ecological benefits of environmental flows in lowland rivers |
Pages 445-450 |
Brad Mitchell, Peter Lind and Belinda Robson
75 |
Prescriptive measures for the prevention of road to stream linkage. |
Pages 451-456 |
Simon Mockler and Jacky Croke
76 |
The transitional shift in riverine management methodologies: A move towards a critical spirit |
Pages 457-462 |
Nicole Motteux, Kate Rowntree and Etienne Nel
77 |
GIS hydrologic information packages for communities |
Pages 463-468 |
Michael Mozina and Anthony Brinkley
78 |
The ABC of riparian plants: The importance of native, regional aquatic plants in stream rehabilitation |
Pages 469-472 |
Robert Myers
79 |
Landscape stability, quaternary climate change and European degradation of coastal rivers in southeastern Australia |
Pages 473-480 |
Gerald Nanson and Chris Doyle
80 |
Riparian wetland processing of nitrogen, phosphorus and suspended sediment inputs from a hill country sheep-grazed catchment in New Zealand |
Pages 481-486 |
Long Nguyen, Malcolm Downes, Jens Mehlhorn and Morag Stroud
81 |
Evolution of stream protection and rehabilitation in NSW |
Pages 487-492 |
David Outhet, Glenn Adamson, Jim Armstrong, John Graice, Walter Hader, Kate Lorimer-Ward, Cliff Massey, Fiona Nagel, Stuart Pengelly, Allan Raine, Mark Shepheard, Tim Smith, Peter Wem and Rachael Young
82 |
Modelling floodplain inundation under natural and regulated flows in the lower River Murray |
Pages 493-498 |
Ian Overton, Bob Newman, Brenton Erdmann, Nicolie Sykora and Suzanne Slegers
83 |
The geomorphic assessor |
Pages 499-504 |
Adolphe Parfait
84 |
Temporal changes in heavy metal concentrations in sediments from Melbourne’s waterways |
Pages 505-510 |
Vincent Pettigrove
85 |
Identifying priorities for riparian restoration aimed at sediment control |
Pages 511-516 |
Ian Prosser
86 |
A co-operative approach to improve water quality Tarago Reservoir catchment strategy |
Pages 517-522 |
John Riddiford
87 |
Restoring pasture streams in New Zealand: Can computer models help? |
Pages 523-526 |
Kit Rutherford, Tim Cox and Niall Broekhuizen
88 |
Don’t raise the titanic: How to set priorities for stream rehabilitation |
Pages 527-532 |
Ian Rutherfurd, Kathryn Jerie, Mark Walker and Nick Marsh
89 |
The secrets of good agency-community partnerships: A review of stream repair programs on WA’s south coast |
Pages 533-538 |
Basil Schur and Natalie Reeves
90 |
Linking waterway rehabilitation programs to community development: Green corps projects on the south coast of Western Australia |
Pages 539-542 |
Basil Schur, Louise Duxbury and Kevin Hopkinson
91 |
The art of catchment defence |
Pages 543-548 |
Ross Scott
92 |
Bed and bank stabilisation of a highly modified, high intensity urban watercourse |
Pages 549-554 |
Grant Shaw
93 |
A community developed framework for stream rehabilitation in the Murrumbidgee River catchment |
Pages 555-560 |
Mark Shepheard, Paul Ryan, Tom Stacy and Abel Immaraj
94 |
Water balance of plantations in southeastern South Australia |
Pages 561-566 |
David Sheriff and Tanya Doody
95 |
Community empowerment through water quality monitoring and action in the Hawkesbury-Nepean catchment |
Pages 567-572 |
Avtar Singh
96 |
Willows – friend or foe? An historical perspective |
Pages 573-578 |
Tim Smith and Barry Starr
97 |
Community involvement in stream rehabilitation |
Pages 579-582 |
Tim Smith
98 |
Water quality management in urban coastal creeks: Objective data for rational management decisions |
Pages 583-588 |
Ray Stanton, David Mackenzie, Emmet O’Loughlin and Gary Smith
99 |
The use of historical data in community river management planning |
Pages 589-594 |
Barry Starr
100 |
Physical evaluation of rehabilitation works in Broken River and Ryans Creek, north east Victoria |
Pages 595-600 |
Michael Stewardson, Ian Rutherfurd and Wayne Tennant
101 |
Hydraulic assessment of rehabilitation measures proposed for the lower Snowy River |
Pages 601-608 |
Michael Stewardson
102 |
The impact of irrigation on floodplain vegetation health adjacent the River Murray |
Pages 609-616 |
Andrew Telfer and Ian Overton
103 |
Stream rehabilitation and co-operation of the riparian land holder |
Pages 617-622 |
Daniel Terrill
104 |
Rehabilitation of the the lower Genoa River, far east Gippsland, Victoria with assisted regeneration |
Pages 623-628 |
Ed Thexton
105 |
“Effective discharge” as an aid to river rehabilitation |
Pages 629-636 |
John Tilleard
106 |
Gauging of rapidly varying flows in urban streams |
Pages 637-642 |
Jim Tilley, Alf Wojcik, James Ball, Andrew Coates and Ismail Abustan
107 |
Working with the community to revitalise Toowoomba’s urban creeks – Case study |
Pages 643-648 |
Catherine Travers and Chris Egbars
108 |
A sociological look at natural resource management: environmental management in Australian agriculture |
Pages 649-654 |
Frank Vanclay
109 |
What if there was no river system |
Pages 655-658 |
Robert Vincin
110 |
An approach to predicting rates of bend migration in meandering alluvial streams |
Pages 659-666 |
Mark Walker and Ian Rutherfurd
111 |
Management implications of channel incision in the Liverpool Plains region |
Pages 667-672 |
Peter Wallbrink, Cathy Wilson, Jon Olley and Sara Beavis
112 |
Urban stream rehabilitation through a decision-making framework to identify degrading processes and prioritize management actions |
Pages 673-678 |
Christopher Walsh and Peter Breen
113 |
Monitoring and evaluation: Tokenism or the potential for achievements in streamway management. |
Pages 679-682 |
Helen Watts and John Fargher
114 |
Guidelines for the rehabilitation of riparian vegetation in southeastern Australia |
Pages 683-690 |
Ashley Webb and Wayne Erskine
115 |
Fishways – An element of stream rehabilitation: some issues, recent successes, and research needs |
Pages 691-696 |
Lindsay White and Tim O’Brien
116 |
On the cost of stream management and rehabilitation in Australia |
Pages 697-704 |
Lindsay White, Ian Rutherfurd and Ross Hardie
117 |
Protecting waterway reservations: Experiences of a market-oriented holistic approach |
Pages 705-712 |
C.M. Wijayaratna and Kumudini Jayawardena
118 |
Resistance of riparian trees and shrubs to toppling in large floods |
Pages 713-718 |
Scott Wilkinson, Ian Rutherfurd and Kathryn Jerie
119 |
Urban rivers and streams: Important community wetlands needing informed management |
Pages 719-724 |
William Williams
120 |
Post gold rush stream regeneration: Implications for managing exotic and native vegetation |
Pages 725-730 |
Michael Wilson
121 |
A strategy for healthy waterways in the Port Phillip and Westernport region, Victoria |
Pages 731-736 |
Kevin Wood, Shelley Heron and Chris Chesterfield
122 |
A community perspective on planning for action – River rehabilitation on the NSW |
Pages 737-742 |
Julie Woodroffe and Tony Broderick
123 |
Community funding programs – successes or failures an evaluation of the nutrient control incentive scheme |
Pages 743-748 |
Carolyn Young and Peter Coupland
124 |
Some scale considerations for watercourse restoration and rehabilitation |
Pages 749-756 |
Robert Ziemer
125 |
Environmental flows and riparian zone assessment for the Wakefield River catchment |
Pages 757-758 |
Diane Favier, Sharon Rixon and Glen Scholz
126 |
Salt water intrusion |
Pages 759-760 |
Clair O’Brien
127 |
Community involvement in mid north riverine planning |
Pages 761-762 |
Sharon Rixon, Diane Favier and Glen Scholz
128 |
Floods and the biological productivity of floodplain habitats |
Pages 763-764 |
Alistar Robertson and Geoff Heagney
129 |
Rapid assessment of stream condition using airborne videography |
Pages 765-766 |
Glen Scholz, Diane Favier and Sharon Rixon
130 |
Assessing the impact of environmental flows in the Murrumbidgee River |
Pages 767-768 |
R.J. Watts, Darren Ryder, L. Chisholm and B.J. Lowe
131 |
Restoring Burnt Bridge Creek, Sydney |
Pages 769-769 |
Greg White, Gareth Thomas, Brendan Atkins, Alison Parr, Judy Reizes and Jenny Minifie