3ASM Proceedings

1 Where does river rehabilitation fit in catchment management?
Pages 1-6
Bruce Abernethy and Tanya Wansbrough

2 Urban impacts on biophysical condition of Hornsby Shire streams
Pages 7-14
Peter Bacon, Robyn Tuft, Judith Rawling, Leeta Caiger, William Rooney, Robert Gittins, Graham Pyke and Jacquie Grove

3 Statistics, snags and sand: Measuring the geomorphic recovery of streams disturbed by sediment slugs
Pages 15-22
Rebecca Bartley and Ian Rutherfurd

4 The impact of farm dams on the management of water resources within the context of total catchment development
Pages 23-28
Sara Beavis and Barry Lewis

5 Estimating the environmental values of New South Wales rivers
Pages 29-34
Jeff Bennett and Mark Morrison

6 Identification and protection of waterway ecological values
Pages 35-44
John Bennett, Norrie Sanders, Dane Moulton, Fiona Redfern and Ngaire Phillips

7 Guidelines for site management plans in response to recreational water quality monitoring – developing case studies in the Hawkesbury-Nepean River catchment
Pages 45-50
Adam Boey and Rob Mann

8 Urban waterways: Vital components of urban biological networks and essential elements for their functional sustainability
Pages 51-58
Paul Bourne

9 Creating a catchment-framed biophysical vision for river rehabilitation programs
Pages 59-66
Gary Brierley and Kirstie Fryirs

10 “River of dreams: build it and they will come” (hopefully)
Pages 67-72
Tony Broderick and Nigel Blake

11 Putting the wood back into our rivers: An experiment in river rehabilitation
Pages 73-80
Andrew Brooks, Tim Abbe, John Jansen, Matt Taylor and Christopher Gippel

12 Effects of pre-Code forest clearfelling on the geomorphology and sedimentology of headwater streams in upland granite terrain, Tasmania
Pages 81-88
Sarah Bunce, Peter McIntosh, Peter Davies and Laurie Cook

13 Appraisal: the ‘acid test’ of river restoration
Pages 89-94
Lydia Bruce-Burgess

14 Managing livestock to protect the aquatic resources of the Burdekin catchment, North Queensland
Pages 95-102
Damien Burrows and Barry Butler

15 Sediment delivery from Moreton Bay’s main tributaries: A multifaceted approach to identifying sediment sources
Pages 103-108
Gary Caitcheon, Ian Prosser, Peter Wallbrink, Grant Douglas, Jon Olley, Andrew Hughes, Gary Hancock and Anthony Scott

16 Tools and techniques used by the Bulimba Creek Catchment Coordinating Committee to improve the Bulimba Creek
Pages 109-114
Wayne Cameron, Kathryn Conover and Svetlana Micic

17 Flood for thought: Relationships between flow and vegetation dynamics in large arid floodplains
Pages 115-120
Samantha Capon

18 Neighbourhood catchments: A new approach for achieving ownership and change in catchment and stream management
Pages 121-126
Chris Carrol, Ken Rohde, Glen Millar, Cameron Dougall, Scott Stevens, Rebecca Ritchie and Sarah Lewis

19 The influence of hydrological connectivity on water quality in an anthropogenically flooded River Red Gum (E. camaldulensis) forest
Pages 127-134
Robert Cawley

20 MARA (Multi-Attribute Reach Assessment): Simultaneous and rapid evaluation of river ecosystem ‘health’ and conservation values
Pages 135-140
Bruce Chessman

21 Estimation of pollutant concentrations for Environmental Management Support System (EMSS) modelling of the south-east Queensland region
Pages 141-148
Francis Chiew and Philip Scanlon

22 A framework to assess the environmental water requirements of groundwater dependent ecosystems
Pages 149-156
Craig Clifton and Richard Evans

23 A framework for applying the concept of ecosystem services to natural resource management in Australia
Pages 157-162
Steven Cork, David Shelton, Carl Binning and Rachel Parry

24 A Comparison of Rainfall Estimation Techniques
Pages 163-168
Barry Croke, Juliet Gilmour and Lachlan Newham

25 Alternative approaches to incorporating management options into water quality modelling
Pages 169-174
Susan Cuddy, Joel Rahman, Frances Marston, Shane Seaton and Robert Vertessy

26 Understanding landholder willingness and capacity to improve the management of river frontages
Pages 175-180
Allan Curtis, Alistar Robertson and Wayne Tennant

27 Bio-geomorphology: Is there a linkage between riparian vegetation and patterns in fluvial geomorphology?
Pages 181-186
Timothy Dilworth

28 Obi Obi Creek large woody debris habitat restoration project
Pages 187-190
Stephen Dudgeon

29 Automation: An opportunity for improving the health of weir pools in the Murray-Darling Basin
Pages 191-196
Ben Dyer and Jane Roberts

30 River management in karst terrains: Issues to be considered with an example from Mole Creek, Tasmania
Pages 197-204
Rolan Eberhard and Ian Houshold

31 Benchmarking of present river condition after 34 years of large scale interbasin water transfers: Snowy River, Australia
Pages 205-210
Wayne Erskine, Ashley Webb, Lisa Turner, Brett Miners, Teresa Rose and Robyn Bevitt

32 Waterway health assessments – A useful tool in urban waterway management planning
Pages 211-216
Jodie Fielding, Lucy Peljo, Christy Thomason and Tony Weber

33 Managing impacts of urbanisation on receiving waters: A decision-making framework
Pages 217-224
Tim Fletcher, Tony Wong, Hugh Duncan, John Coleman and Graham Jenkins

34 The role of land tenure in determining the condition of riparian zones
Pages 225-230
Tim Fletcher and Leon Bren

35 Stream velocity distribution: A potentially useful variable for stream health assessment
Pages 231-238
Christopher Gippel and Tim Rhodes

36 The application of fluvial geomorphology to stream management in the Melbourne Water area
Pages 239-244
Christopher Gippel, Scott Seymour, Sandra Brizga and Neil Craigie

37 A comparison of aquatic biota and water quality in two tributaries of Native Dog Creek with different land-use activities
Pages 245-252
Margaret Greenway, Carolyn Polson and Heather Proctor

38 Stock tracks and the delivery of pollutants to streams by overland flow
Pages 253-258
Peter Hairsine, Kathryn Bormann and Jim Brophy

39 Surface-subsurface hydrological connectivity in sand-bed streams
Pages 259-264
Peter Hancock, Andrew Boulton and Allan Raine

40 A risk-based approach to prioritisation of waterway management programs
Pages 265-270
Ross Hardie and Chris Chesterfield

41 Geomorphic categorisation of the streams in the Hawkesbury-Nepean Catchment: An application and review of the River StylesTM Framework
Pages 271-276
Ross Hardie and Rohan Lucas

42 Providing water to Murrumbidgee billabongs – Maximising ecological value
Pages 277-284
Lorraine Hardwick, James Maguire, Mark Foreman and Paul Frazier

43 Nutrient release from lowland river sediments
Pages 285-288
Michael Harper, Sophie Bourgues, Michael Grace, Phillip Ford and Barry Hart

44 Application of ecological risk assessment in river management
Pages 289-296
Barry Hart, Michael Grace, Peter Breen, Peter Cottingham, Pat Feehan and Mark Burgman

45 An adaptive management Approach to Rehabilitation of the Tributaries of the Gippsland Lakes
Pages 297-302
Leanne Haupt and Rex Candy

46 An innovative stream assessment process – The Genoa River
Pages 303-308
Leanne Haupt and Rex Candy

47 Durability of Pacific Northwest instream structures following floods of a five-year or greater return interval
Pages 309-314
Dave Heller, Brett Roper, Deborah Konnoff and Ken Wieman

48 Planting trees for salinity management – will they help meet end of valley targets?
Pages 315-322
Natasha Herron, Richard Davis, Warrick Dawes and Ray Evans

49 Gully density mapping for Australian river basins
Pages 323-328
Andrew Hughes, Ian Prosser, Janelle Stevenson, Anthony Scott, Hua Lu, John Gallant and Chris Moran

50 Stream diversity and conservation in Tasmania: Yet another new approach
Pages 329-336
Kathryn Jerie, Ian Houshold and David Peters

51 Diatom Prediction and Classification System for Urban Streams – An Overview
Pages 337-342
Jacob John

52 The condition in the Queensland Murray-Darling Basin using the ‘State of the Rivers’ Method
Pages 343-348
Denise Paige-Johnson

53 Designing grass filter strips to trap sediment and attached nutrient
Pages 349-354
Linda Karssies and Ian Prosser

54 Palaeoecological evidence for historical floodplain responses to river regulation: Barmah Forest, south-eastern Australia
Pages 355-360
Christine Kenyon

55 AUSRIVAS in Tasmania: The development of a rapid bio-assessment tool and its incorporation into statewide monitoring strategies
Pages 361-368
Tom Krasnicki and Martin Read

56 Restoring streams: Re-building and re-connecting (KEYNOTE ADDRESS)
Pages 369-372
Sam Lake

57 Licensing of aquaculture developments in Victoria
Pages 373-378
Barry Lewis and Sara Beavis

58 Rehabilitation of fish habitats in a sediment impacted reach of the Murrumbidgee River, ACT
Pages 379-386
Mark Lintermans

59 Controlling exotic pest fishes in Queensland: Strategies, tools and techniques
Pages 387-390
Rachel Mackenzie and Marc Bryant

60 Predicting pre-disturbance loading and distribution of large woody debris
Pages 391-396
Nick Marsh, Ian Rutherfurd and Kathryn Jerie

61 Enhancing instream habitat with large woody debris: A flume experiment
Pages 397-402
Nick Marsh, Andrew Western, Rodger Grayson, Ian Rutherfurd and Brian Finlayson

62 Geomorphology and Physical Limnology of Floodplain Lakes – Two Case Studies of Stratification in the Macdonald River Valley, New South Wales
Pages 403-412
Natalie Marshall

63 Relationships Between the Ecological Condition of Rivers and Modifications to their Flow Regimes: An Integrated Study using Multiple Indicators
Pages 413-420
Jonathan Marshall, Satish Choy, Glenn McGregor, Bernie Cockayne, Peter Negus, Christopher Marshall, Diane Conrick, Chris Thomson, Jaye Lobegeiger, Denise Johnson, Peter Davies, David Moffatt and Bronwyn Harch

64 Queensland laws protecting riparian vegetation
Pages 421-426
Chris McGrath

65 Before and after riparian management: Sediment and nutrient exports from a small agricultural catchment, Western Australia
Pages 427-434
Lucy McKergow, David Weaver, Ian Prosser, Rodger Grayson and Adrian Reed

66 An ecological risk assessment of a trial application of active barrier materials to control sediment nutrient release: a qualitative ecological risk assessment for Lake Carramar
Pages 435-440
Barry McWilliam, Hart Michael and Michael Waters

67 Beyond monitoring – the understanding of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in streams of the Atlantic Rainforest, Brazil
Pages 441-446
Timothy Moulton

68 Estimated total stream power as a tool for predicting channel erosion in a disturbed catchment, coastal New South Wales
Pages 447-454
Rachel Nanson and Gerald Nanson

69 Design of water quality monitoring programs and automatic sampling techniques
Pages 455-460
Lachlan Newham, Barry Croke and Tony Jakeman

70 Stream health and value in SE Queensland
Pages 461-468
Mark O’Donohue, Thorsten Mosisch, Garry Bennison, Kim Clark and Diane Conrick

71 Effects of reduced flooding on the soils and plants of a lowland semiarid floodplain in south-central Queensland
Pages 469-476
Ralph Ogden and Martin Thoms

72 Prediction of river bed sediment size as a function of stream power and channel confinement in the Murrumbidgee catchment above Wagga Wagga
Pages 477-482
Ralph Ogden and William Young

73 Gravel bed river riffle restoration in New South Wales
Pages 483-488
David Outhet, Andrew Brooks, Walter Hader, Peter Corlis, Allan Raine, Tony Broderick, Estelle Avery and Scott Babakaiff

74 Application of the River Styles framework to river management programs in New South Wales
Pages 489-492
David Outhet, Kirstie Fryirs, Cliff Massey and Gary Brierley

75 The economics of water quality – an investigation within the Condamine Catchment, Murray-Darling Basin, Queensland
Pages 493-500
Ashley Page

76 Some thoughts on humans and waterways
Pages 501-506
Michael Papworth and Barry Lewis

77 Soil stabilising characteristics of native riparian vegetation in New Zealand: Application to stream bank stability
Pages 507-512
Chris Phillips, Michael Marden, Donna Rowan and Jagath Ekanayake

78 Determining the conservation values of rivers – trial of a new method in the Burnett Catchment, Central Queensland
Pages 513-520
Ngaire Phillips

79 Condamine Balonne water quality management plan
Pages 521-528
Gavin Prentice and Bob Walker

80 Predictions of the sediment regime of Australian rivers
Pages 529-536
Ian Prosser, Andrew Hughes, Paul Rustomji, Bill Young and Chris Moran

81 A Tool to Design Natural Urban Channel Systems
Pages 537-544
Khondker Rahman

82 Sawn timber from 10-year-old pruned Eucalyptus nitens (Deane & Maiden) grown in an agricultural riparian buffer
Pages 545-550
Rowan Reid and Russell Washusen

83 The development of waterway action plans by the North East Catchment Management Authority in association with ID&A Pty. Ltd.
Pages 551-554
John Riddiford, Christopher Dwyer and Dean Judd

84 Rivers – do they all have the same sensitivity to change? An assessment of the geomorphic stability of rivers in coastal south eastern Australia
Pages 555-560
Paul Rustomji and Ian Prosser

85 Protecting Ecosystem Services: Science, Economics, and Policy (KEYNOTE ADDRESS)
Pages 561-564
James Salzman, Barton Thompson Jr and Gretchen Daley

86 Attributes of Preferred Foraging Habitats of Platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus)
Pages 565-570
Melody Serena, Melanie Swinnerton, Marianne Worley and Geoff Williams

87 Application of an ecosystem services inventory approach to the Goulburn Broken Catchment
Pages 571-576
David Shelton, Steven Cork, Carl Binning, Rachel Parry, Peter Hairsine, Rob Vertessy and Mirko Stauffacher

88 The flow events method for developing environmental flow regimes
Pages 577-582
Michael Stewardson

89 Uncertainty in stream rehabilitation planning: an example from the Snowy River
Pages 583-588
Michael Stewardson and Christopher Gippel

90 Zen and the art of river management: A socio-geomorphological experiment exposed
Pages 589-596
Damon Telfer and David Miller

91 The interplay between the disciplines in river science (KEYNOTE ADDRESS)
Pages 597-604
Martin Thoms

92 The importance of large woody debris replacement in sandy river systems
Pages 605-610
Bill Till, Peter Davies and Antonietta Torre

93 New software to aid water quality management in the catchments and waterways of the south-east Queensland region
Pages 611-616
Robert Vertessy, Fred Watson, Joel Rahman, Susan Cuddy, Shane Seaton, Francis Chiew, Phillip Scanlon, Frances Marston, Leo Lymburner, Sebastien Jeannelle and Mark Verbunt

94 Contribution of sediment and sediment bound P from different landuses to two contrasting streams in temperate and tropical Australia
Pages 617-624
Peter Wallbrink, Candace Martin and Cathy Wilson

95 Developing predictive ecological capacity for a stormwater management decision-making framework
Pages 625-630
Christopher Walsh, Tim Fletcher, Tony Wong and Peter Breen

96 Deploying environmental software using the Tarsier modelling framework
Pages 631-638
Fred Watson, Joel Rahman and Shane Seaton

97 Biogeochemistry of a Sand Slug Stream
Pages 639-646
Kellie Watts, Barry Hart and Michael Grace

98 Relationships between stream order and management priority: A water quality case study
Pages 647-652
David Weaver, Adrian Reed and John Grant

99 Cataclysmic erosion, Tristaniopsis laurina colonisation and the late holocene stability of Bruces Creek, Nadgee State Forest, NSW
Pages 653-658
Ashley Webb, Wayne Erskine and Deirdre Dragovich

100 Large woody debris, riparian vegetation and pool formation on sand-bed, forest streams in southeastern Australia
Pages 659-664
Ashley Webb and Wayne Erskine

101 Values, incentives and private land management
Pages 665-672
Stuart Whitten and Jeff Bennett

102 Water resource planning – groundwater and surface water interactions in Western Queensland
Pages 673-680
Simon Wiggins and Daniel Larsen

103 Rehabiliting pool and riffle sequences: The role of alternate bar dynamics and flow constriction
Pages 681-688
Scott Wilkinson, Robert Keller and Ian Rutherfurd

104 Public environmental reporting: Application to the water industry and stream management
Pages 689-694
Deborah Woods

105 An index of river hydrology change for use in assessing river condition
Pages 695-700
William Young, Fiona Dyer and Martin Thoms

106 Modelling long-term average nutrient loads in large-scale river networks
Pages 701-708
William Young and Ian Prosser

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