5ASM Proceedings

1 Adaptive management of natural resources
Pages 1-6
Catherine Allan

2 Waterway rehabilitation – Shays Creek
Pages 7-12
Luke Austin

3 Estimating sediment loads in Great Barrier Reef catchments: balance between modelling and monitoring
Pages 13-18
Rebecca Bartley, David Post, Anne Kinsey-Henderson and Aaron Hawdon

4 A riparian categorisation strategy for urban drainage channels in Gold Coast City
Pages 19-24
Kendall Bott

5 Water and conflict resolution: from smoke filled rooms to public participation
Pages 25-30
Kathleen Bowmer

6 Science to support water sharing planning in New South Wales
Pages 31-36
Kathleen Bowmer, Phillip Eberbach, Tom Murphy and Eddie Harris

7 The first decade of water resource planning in Queensland: What have we learned about environmental flows?
Pages 37-42
Sandra Brizga

8 Alluvial gully erosion in Australia’s tropical rivers: a conceptual model as a basis for a remote sensing mapping procedure
Pages 43-48
Andrew Brooks, John Spencer and Jon Knight

9 Determining end-point goals and effective strategies for rehabilitation of coastal wetlands: examples from the Burdekin River, North Queensland
Pages 49-54
Damien Burrows and Barry Butler

10 Real-life management of an environmental water reserve – a Wimmera perspective
Pages 55-60
Hugh Christie

11 An evaluation of Waterwatch activities in West Gippsland, Victoria
Pages 61-66
Tammy Dawson and Bob Goodbourn

12 Development and implementation of the Maroochy Waterways Management and Rehabilitation Plan
Pages 67-72
Stephen Dudgeon, David Moore and Mick Smith

13 Honeysuckle Reservoir decommissioning
Pages 73-78
Christopher Dwyer

14 What’s stopping the water? Identifying influences on environmental water releases in the Wimmera
Pages 79-84
Fiona Dyer, Ben Dyer, Heinz DeChelard and Greg Fletcher

15 River restoration based on natural channel characteristics: how to develop restoration designs for different rivers and riparian plant communities
Pages 85-90
Wayne Erskine, Michael Saynor and Gary Fox

16 Considered data arrangements for effective and holistic catchment management
Pages 91-96
Paul Fennell and Michael Jensz

17 Community wetland monitoring in the South Australian Murray-Darling Basin
Pages 97-102
Adrienne Frears and Tracey Steggles

18 Challenges faced in the integration of science in river management in Australia
Pages 103-108
Kirstie Fryirs, Mick Hillman and Alexandra Spink

19 Audit and remediation of fish passage barriers in coastal NSW
Pages 109-114
Matthew Gordos, Scott Nichols, Cameron Lay, Anthony Townsend, Charlotte Grove, Simon Walsh and Craig Copeland

20 Key ingredients for the successful implementation of riparian rehabilitation programs
Pages 115-120
Lori Gould

21 Prediction of fluvial seed dispersal and long-term sustainability of riparian vegetation using sediment transport processes
Pages 121-126
Jeremy Groves, Gary Caitcheon, Richard Norris and David Williams

22 What is ‘environmental water’?
Pages 127-132
Mark Hamstead

23 Conserving freshwater ecosystem values in Tasmania, Australia: identification and application of freshwater conservation management priority areas
Pages 133-138
Danielle Hardie and Peter Davies

24 The impact of fine sediment accumulation on benthic macroinvertebrates: implications for river management
Pages 139-144
Evan Harrison, Richard Norris and Scott Wilkinson

25 Uncertainty in diffuse source pollution assessment and mitigation options – who knows?
Pages 145-150
Alexander Herr and Petra Kuhnert

26 Valley chokes in the upper Wimmera River catchment are playing key roles in mitigating the threats of erosion – a model case study
Pages 151-156
Martin Hillemacher and Brian Seymour

27 Do stakeholder committees produce fair policy outcomes?
Pages 157-162
Jonathon Howard

28 Ecological condition and biodiversity value of urban riparian and non-riparian bushland environments: Ku-ring-gai, Sydney
Pages 163-168
Christopher Ives, Mark Taylor and Peter Davies

29 Market-based incentives: A consumer’s experience of participating in River Tender
Pages 169-174
Rick James and John Paul

30 Using phenology of eucalypts to determine environmental watering regimes for the River Murray floodplain, South Australia
Pages 175-180
Anne Jensen, Keith Walker and David Paton

31 New generation models for catchment modelling: developments in the eWater CRC
Pages 181-186
Phillip Jordan, Robert Argent and Rory Nathan

32 Connectivity of stream water and alluvial groundwater around restoration works in an incised sand-bed stream
Pages 187-192
Annabelle Keene, Richard Bush and Wayne Erskine

33 Boundary shear stress distribution in meandering compound channel flow
Pages 193-198
Kishanjit Kumar Khatua and Kanhu Charan Patra

34 Large-area, high-resolution remote sensing based mapping of alluvial gully erosion in Australia’s tropical rivers
Pages 199-204
Jon Knight, John Spencer, Andrew Brooks and Stuart Phinn

35 Planning for action: the evolution from state-wide priorities to local work sites
Pages 205-210
Veronica Lanigan and Stuart Pengelly

36 Developing appropriate incentives for improving water quality in the Burdekin River catchment
Pages 211-216
Allyson Lankester and Romy Greiner

37 Are all river reaches created equal? Identifying erosion hotspots for catchment management
Pages 217-222
Rebecca Lett, Bruce Abernethy and Henry Chaplin

38 Connecting the community to waterways through stories
Pages 223-228
Rachel Lopes

39 Relationships, resources and results: Reflections on experiences in building capacity for improved river and riparian management
Pages 229-234
Siwan Lovett and Philip Price

40 Using remote sensing to map wetland water clarity and permanence: approaches for identifying wetlands requiring management in large catchments
Pages 235-240
Leo Lymburner, Damien Burrows and Barry Butler

41 The identification and assessment of water quality hazards in the Leichhardt River, Mount Isa, Queensland
Pages 241-246
Alana Mackay, Tabitha Kuypers and Mark Taylor

42 Predicting Ecological Responses for Improved Stream Management
Pages 247-253
Nick Marsh, Sylvain Arene and Ralph Ogden

43 River and catchment restoration prioritisation tools
Pages 254-258
Nick Marsh, Simon Linke, Ralph Ogden, Paul Wettin and Peter Cottingham

44 Anabranch management on a regulated reach of the Murray River
Pages 259-264
Julian Martin and Dean Judd

45 Is new policy evidence based – and is it working?
Pages 265-269
Jim McDonald

46 Can the ‘triple bottom line’ concept help organisations respond to sustainability issues?
Pages 270-275
Michael Mitchell, Allan Curtis and Penny Davidson

47 Greening Australia river recovery outcomes in rural Northern Tasmania
Pages 276-281
Michael Noble and Sebastian Burgess

48 Setting ecological targets for river systems: a framework to support multi-stakeholder groups
Pages 282-287
Ruth O’Connor, Susan Nichols, Peter Oliver, Richard Norris and Bill Johnson

49 Assembly of geomorphic targets for stream rehabilitation – summary of a manual template
Pages 288-293
David Outhet and Carolyn Young

50 A mouthful of mud: the fate of contaminants from the Fitzroy River, Queensland, Australia and implications for reef water policy
Pages 294-299
Robert Packett

51 Optical dating of post-European settlement channel change: Gilmore Creek, southeastern Australia
Pages 300-305
Ken Page, Paul Frazier, Tim Pietsch and Remy Dehaan

52 Finding integration pathways: developing a transdisciplinary (TD) approach for the Upper Nepean Catchment
Pages 306-311
Carolyn Palmer, Jacqueline Gothe, Cynthia Mitchell, Chris Riedy, Kate Sweetapple, Sally McLaughlin, Grant Hose, Marian Lowe, Heather Goodall, Trudy Green, Deepak Sharma, Simon Fane, Kerry Brew and Peter Jones

53 Adaptive management for determining environmental flows in the Australian Capital Territory
Pages 312-317
Michael Peat and Richard Norris

54 Dam threat to a decade of restoration of the Mary River, Queensland
Pages 318-323
Glenda Pickersgill, Steve Burgess and Brad Wedlock

55 Are waterways with willows wider?
Pages 324-329
Lizzie Pope, Brian Finlayson and Ian Rutherfurd

56 Magnitude of response: selecting sites for monitoring vegetation response to environmental flows
Pages 330-335
Jane Roberts and Fiona Dyer

57 Public investment in waterway management in Victoria, Australia
Pages 336-341
Simon Robertson

58 Sediment sources in the Lake Burragorang catchment and their management
Pages 342-347
Paul Rustomji and Scott Wilkinson

59 City people eat rivers: estimating the virtual water consumed by people in a large Australian city
Pages 348-353
Ian Rutherfurd, Amelia Tsang and Siao Khee Tan

60 Managing sources, sinks and transport of natural contaminants in regulated rivers: a case study in the Murrumbidgee River catchment, NSW
Pages 354-359
Darren Ryder, Sue Vink, Nerida Bleakley and Adrienne Burns

61 Assessing the health of Tasmanian rivers: collecting the evidence
Pages 360-365
Johanna Slijkerman, James Kaye and Fiona Dyer

62 Sediment supply from small upland catchments: possible implications of headwater channel restoration for stream management
Pages 366-371
Hugh Smith and Deirdre Dragovich

63 Towards an objective approach for a regional – continental scale geomorphic river classification
Pages 372-377
John Spencer, Andrew Brooks and Jon Knight

64 An interdisciplinary perspective of riverwork projects in the Upper Hunter Catchment, NSW: has river rehabilitation begun?
Pages 378-383
Alexandra Spink, Kirstie Fryirs, Gary Brierley and Kate Lloyd

65 Testing specific stream power thresholds of channel stability with GIS
Pages 384-389
Mark Stacey and Ian Rutherfurd

66 Regional hydraulic geometry models for Queensland streams
Pages 390-394
Sunil Tennakoon and Nick Marsh

67 Waterwatch – An integrated capacity building initiative
Pages 395-400
Don Thomson

68 Hydraulic geometry in river channel networks as a method for the assessment of river condition
Pages 401-406
Elizabeth Thornton, Melissa Neave and Scott Rayburg

69 Trialling different low cost methods of water hyacinth removal in tropical coastal wetlands
Pages 407-412
Vern Veitch, Damien Burrows and David Hudson

70 Managing flow for geomorphic form: Erosion and accretion of river benches
Pages 413-418
Geoff Vietz, Ian Rutherfurd, Michael Stewardson and Brian Finlayson

71 Biofilm and flow regimes: developing a biological monitoring program for the Nymboida River, northern NSW
Pages 419-424
Emilie Warner, Darren Ryder, Andrew Boulton and Barbara Downes

72 Sediment and nutrient generation rates for Queensland rural catchments – an event monitoring program to improve water quality modelling
Pages 425-430
Dave Waters and Robert Packett

73 Translating science into practice: Is ‘best practice’ the best option?
Pages 431-436
Justine Watt and Michael Jensz

74 Challenges for improving the science underpinning river restoration practices
Pages 437-442
Robyn Watts

75 Effects of plantation forest harvesting on water quality and quantity: Canobolas State forest, NSW
Pages 443-448
Ashley Webb, Brad Jarrett and Lisa Turner

76 Environmental flows and ecological health of the lower Wimmera River
Pages 449-454
Anne-Maree Westbury, David Tiller and Leon Metzeling

77 Examining ‘inclusiveness’ in adaptive natural resource management
Pages 455-460
Deirdre Wilcock

78 Monitoring of remediation works to arrest stream degradation in an agriculture-dominated catchment
Pages 461-466
Andrea Wilson, Robyn Watts, Ken Page and Remy Dehaan

79 Aquatic macroinvertebrates in urban waterways: comparing ecosystem health in natural reference and urban streams
Pages 467-472
Ian Wright, Peter Davies, David Wilks, Sophia Findlay and Mark Taylor

80 Which confluences should we use to differentiate stream segments for management? A geomorphic assessment
Pages 473-478
Elisa Zavadil, Michael Stewardson, Anthony Ladson and Ian Rutherfurd

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