1 |
Classification of intermittently closed and open coastal lakes and lagoons in Victoria, Australia |
Pages 1-8 |
Sarah L. McSweeney, David M. Kennedy, and Ian D. Rutherfurd
2 |
From coral to cows – using ecosystem processes to inform catchment management of the Great Barrier Reef |
Pages 9-16 |
Rebecca Bartley, Zoe T. Bainbridge, Stephen E. Lewis, Frederieke J. Kroon, Scott N. Wilkinson, Jon E. Brodie, Mark D. Silburn
3 |
Balancing a productive catchment while protecting an important ecosystem – lessons from the Corner Inlet WQIP |
Pages 17-24 |
Dickson Michelle, Park Geoff and Roberts Anna
4 |
The evolution of Corryong/Nariel Creek since european settlement: Implications for on-going management prioritisation |
Pages 25-35 |
Elisha A. Teo, Philip M. Marren
5 |
Creek Link – A citizen science mapping project |
Pages 36-38 |
James Maund
6 |
Stakeholder engagement and adaptive governance in the monitoring, evaluation and adaptive management of environmental watering in the Edward-Wakool system |
Pages 39-48 |
Patricia M. Bowen, John Conallin, Robyn J. Watts, Anthony Conallin, Josh Campbell, Ian Wooden, Nicole McCasker, Lee Baumgartner, Sascha Healy, Roger Knight
7 |
The problem of river restoration persistence |
Pages 49-57 |
Harriet Elizabeth Moore and Ian Rutherfurd
8 |
Salinity, water level, and flow considerations for assessing environmental water requirements of the Lower Latrobe River |
Pages 58-65 |
Lauchlan Arrowsmith, C., Brizga, S. and Keogh, E.
9 |
Please release me, let me go: an approach to determining the effects of dam operations on riverbank erosion |
Pages 66-73 |
Grove, J., Burton, J., McGregor, G., Marshall, J. and Zavahir, F.
10 |
The impact of dams on floodplain geomorphology: are there any, should we care, and what should we do about it? |
Pages 74-80 |
Philip M. Marren, James R. Grove, J. Angus Webb and Michael J. Stewardson
11 |
Repeat channel change in Blackfellow Creek, Lockyer Valley, South East Queensland |
Pages 81-88 |
Ivezich, M. and Hardie, R.
12 |
Determination of low flow requirements for an upland Murray-Darling Basin River; the Belubula River |
Pages 89-100 |
Driver, P.D., Fawcett J., Michener, K., and Outhet, D.
13 |
Time and contingency: key factors in the recovery of Murrumbidgil Swamp, a distinctive mound-channel wetland |
Pages 101-108 |
Roberts, J.
14 |
Potential impacts of levee construction in the Lockyer Valley |
Pages 109-115 |
Thompson, C., Croke, J. and Dent, C.
15 |
Fat cows improve water quality: the benefits of higher forage levels in Great Barrier Reef rangelands |
Pages 116-122 |
Scott N. Wilkinson, Chris J. Stokes, Aaron A. Hawdon and D. Mike Nicholas
16 |
Water quality offset investment in riparian restoration to reduce sewerage treatment costs – Part 1: determining the sediment loss avoided through riparian restoration |
Pages 123-132 |
Julian O’Mara, Ross Hardie, Karen White, Cameron Jackson, Paul Belz, Beth Clouston and Fiona Norrie.
17 |
Rapid appraisal of groundcover plant diversity and red gum health for the management of Murray Darling Basin wetlands |
Pages 133-137 |
Patrick Driver, Peter Lloyd-Jones and Emily Barbour
18 |
Tracking waterhole persistence in dry tropical rivers |
Pages 138-140 |
Anne Kinsey-Henderson, Steve Marvanek, David McJannet
19 |
Assessing the influence of environmental flows on physical habitat |
Pages 140-142 |
Saras Windecker and Geoff Vietz
20 |
Cutting down, back and out: assessment of channel erosion in a sensitive floodplain wetland |
Pages 143-149 |
Samantha M. Oyston, Timothy J. Ralph and Paul P. Hesse
21 |
Water quality and fish refugia in riverine waterholes in northern Queensland potentially subject to irrigation development |
Pages 150-155 |
Nathan J, Waltham, Damien Burrows, Barry Butler and Jim Wallace
22 |
Big data concepts for natural resource management |
Pages 156-161 |
Marsh Nick, Marsh Bonny
23 |
Living Waterways – a new alternative for realising multiple benefits of urban water systems |
Pages 162-164 |
Andrew O’Neill, Kristy Gooding, Amalie Wright, Alan Hoban, Suzanne Jackson, and Chris Manning
24 |
Turf selection can save you more than just 13 Sundays each year |
Pages 165-168 |
Jason Lange, Simon Igloi and Chris Manning
25 |
Getting ‘Finterested’ to share knowledge and bring back native fish |
Pages 169-170 |
Siwan Lovett
26 |
Waterways and gully stabilisation in vertosol soils: Dry Creek, Condamine Catchment, QLD |
Pages 171-177 |
Cheetham, M., and Walton, R.
27 |
Rivers of carbon = Rivers of life |
Pages 178-179 |
Siwan Lovett
28 |
The use of geospatial and hydro-geomorphic analyses to prioritise stream restoration at the catchment-scale |
Pages 180-186 |
Misko Ivezich and Dom Blackham
29 |
Incineration as a control method to manage Tiger Pear (Opuntia aurantiaca) |
Pages 187-195 |
Mary Claire Sheridan, Michael Bermingham, Matt Lamanna and David Fisher
30 |
Channel and bank stability of the Burnett River in the aftermath of the 2011 and 2013 floods |
Pages 196-197 |
Simon, A., Bankhead, N., and Wilson, P.
31 |
Using a risk minimisation approach to flood recovery in the Murrumbidgee River Catchment |
Pages 198-201 |
Dwyer C., Hall A., Beal P.
32 |
Frogs – Weapons of mass rehabilitation in the Mary River Catchment |
Pages 202-209 |
Eva Ford, Brad Wedlock, Deb Seal, Dale Watson and Steve Burgess
33 |
Refining river works techniques through one of Australia’s largest river works programs |
Pages 210-219 |
Bowman H.H., Berry, B., Crawford, T., Martin, J. and Hughes, V.
34 |
The role of stream power and strategic native vegetation establishment in the management of incised river systems |
Pages 220-231 |
Zavadil, E, Hardie, R., Blackham, D, Ivezich, M.
35 |
Making a difference: examples of the use of repeat LiDAR datasets to guide river management decisions following extreme floods |
Pages 232-239 |
Grove, J.R., Croke, J. and Thompson, C.
36 |
How long will it take desnagged rivers to recover a natural load of wood? |
Pages 240-246 |
Justin C. Stout, Ian D. Rutherfurd, James R., Grove and J. Angus Webb
37 |
Monitoring change in river condition in response to river engineering: developing an index of natural character to maintain river habitat |
Pages 247-254 |
Fuller, I.C., Death R.G. and Death A.
38 |
Morphological characteristics of riverbank failure on the Lower River Murray, South Australia |
Pages 255-261 |
De Carli, E.V. and Hubble, T.C.T.
39 |
Developing a model of upland swamp structure, function and evolution for biodiversity conservation and rehabilitation: The case of threatened Temperate Highland Peat Swamps on Sandstone (THPSS) |
Pages 262-267 |
Kirstie Fryirs, Ben Freidman, Rory Williams, Geraldine Jacobsen, Grant Hose
40 |
Is passive revegetation through utilisation of soil seed banks a viable rehabilitation option in riparian ecosystems? |
Pages 268-273 |
Kirstie Fryirs, Jessica O’Donnell, Alexandra Carthey, Michelle Leishman
41 |
Effect of riparian vegetation on channel complexity and nutrient processing in a subtropical catchment in Queensland, Australia |
Pages 274-277 |
Nina E. Saxton, Michele A. Burford, Stephen J. Faggotter, Doug Ward, Tanya Ellison, Kate Smolders and Morag Stewart
42 |
Geomechanical modeling of the Murray’s Millennium Drought river bank failures: a case of the unexpected consequences of slow drawdown, soft bank materials and anthropogenic change |
Pages 278-284 |
Hubble T., De Carli E., and Airey D.
43 |
Evaluating the negative impacts of agricultural weed control on riparian vegetation condition in Australia’s Wet Tropics region |
Pages 285-290 |
Marcus Bulstrode
44 |
Factors influencing deoxygenation following an unintended whole of water body herbicide treatment of aquatic weed cabomba in a natural wetland in the Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia. |
Pages 291-299 |
Christina Day, Ian A. Wright, Amy St Lawrence, Robert Setter, Geoffrey Smith
45 |
The shifting sands of Stockyard Creek: the geomorphic response to large wood reintroduction in a sand-bed stream |
Pages 300-305 |
Hughes, R.M., Cohen, T.J. and Brooks, A.P.
46 |
Characterizing root architecture of riparian vegetation for assessing bank erosion potential in Queensland Rivers: A stochastic framework to integrate field and LIDAR data |
Pages 306-309 |
Fabio Iwashita, Andrew P. Brooks, Graeme Curwen, John Spencer, Ed Thexton, Jon Olley
47 |
Evaluating the effectiveness of the Dights Falls fishway in the Yarra River, Melbourne Australia |
Pages 310-318 |
Dan Borg, Justin O’Connor and Matthew Jones
48 |
Trialling carp pod Traps in the Wimmera, Victoria |
Pages 319-320 |
Greg Fletcher, Bruce McInnes and Mark Toomey
49 |
An environmentally sensitive erosion control technique in the Mekong River Delta: 10 years on |
Pages 321-326 |
John Tilleard and Tony Ladson
50 |
Evidence-based water allocation in intermittent streams using macroinvertebrate community responses: A case study in the Barossa Valley, South Australia |
Pages 327-333 |
Deane, D., Maxwell, S.E. and Green, D.J.
51 |
Multiple factors influence the performance of pile fields during major floods: an example from the Loddon River, Victoria |
Pages 334-337 |
Julian Martin, Angela Gladman, Kathy Russell and Christine Arrowsmith
52 |
The evolution of watercourse diversion design in central Queensland coal mines |
Pages 338-348 |
Karen White, Ross Hardie, Rohan Lucas, John Merritt and Bernie Kirsch
53 |
A review of the effect of floodplain gravel mining on river stability |
Pages 349-359 |
Anthony R. Ladson, Dean A. Judd
54 |
Designing a method for assessing the use of produced water from coal seam gas projects to supplement environmental flows |
Pages 360-368 |
Lisa Duncan, Matthew Currell, Ross Hardie
55 |
The assessment of impacts from mining wastes on water quality and aquatic ecosystems using freshwater macroinvertebrate communities and novel bio-assay tests. |
Pages 369-376 |
Rebecca Sullivan, Ian Wright, Adrian Renshaw and Mitchell Wilks
56 |
River management on a reach basis highlights lagged channel responses to multiple catchment disturbances: Yea and Murrindindi rivers, Victoria |
Pages 377-384 |
Wayne Erskine, Anthony Ladson, John Tilleard and Michael Cheetham
57 |
Impact of a coal mine waste discharge on water quality and aquatic ecosystems in the Blue Mountains World Heritage area. |
Pages 385-391 |
Nakia Belmer, Carl Tippler, Peter J. Davies and Ian A. Wright
58 |
Does seasonality influence freshwater macroinvertebrate communities in the temperate paradise of Sydney? |
Pages 392-399 |
Tippler C., Findlay S., Wright I.A., Davies P.J., Evans C. and Ahmed M.
59 |
Collaborating to deliver better monitoring outcomes: lessons learned from the Victorian Environmental Flows Monitoring Program |
Pages 400-408 |
Andrew Sharpe, Angus Webb, Louisa Davis
60 |
Simple and consistent: measuring the metrics that matter in riparian management for water quality |
Pages 409-412 |
Stuart Naylor, Riad Fahd and Jacob Adams
61 |
Compiling 40,000 photos of a River Murray Works program into a useable and accessible format |
Pages 413-414 |
Ben Berry
62 |
Always let the facts get in the way of a good story: using multi-scale data sets to detect the impact of grazing land management on runoff and erosion in the Burdekin catchment |
Pages 415-418 |
Hawdon, A.A., Bartley, R., Wilkinson, S.N. and Henderson, A.E.
63 |
Looking at long term riparian rehabilitation Outcomes: Boorowa River Recovery Project Integrated Water Resources Management Evaluation |
Pages 419-426 |
Gould, L.
64 |
Collecting 29,000 km of river condition data using LiDAR and aerial photography |
Pages 427-435 |
Paul Wilson
65 |
Land use and erosion risk in small forest catchments on the Coral Coast of Fiji: baseline estimates of sediment inputs to coastal lagoons. |
Pages 436-444 |
Arishma R. Ram and James P. Terry
66 |
From scouring reeds to cleaning cobbles: adaptive management of environmental water in action |
Pages 445-451 |
Andrew Sharpe, Peter Sandercock, Simon Treadwell and Bill Moulden
67 |
Do native fish need healthy riparian vegetation? An assessment of 1,000km of the Billabong, Yanco and Colombo Creeks, NSW. |
Pages 452-456 |
James Kaye, Monica Hersburgh, Clayton Sharpe, Trish Bowen, Anthony Conallin
68 |
Waterwatch data quality: an opportunity to augment professionally collected data sets |
Pages 457-462 |
Fiona Dyer, Evan Harrison, Bernd Gruber, Susan Nichols, Alica Tschierschke and Woo O’Reilly
69 |
Water quality and ecological impacts of treated sewage effluent on a peri-urban stream |
Pages 463-468 |
Naomi Chircop and Ian A. Wright
70 |
Adopting and adapting macroinvertebrate measures for health assessments of ephemeral freshwater systems: a review |
Pages 469-477 |
Stitz, L., Fabbro, L. and Kinnear, S.
71 |
Adaptive management of temperate highland peat swamps on sandstone in the Blue Mountains: Is it occurring? |
Pages 478-484 |
Nicole Ashby, Kirstie Fryirs, Richie Howitt
72 |
The importance of ‘moving targets’ in assessing what is physically achievable and what we seek to achieve in river restoration practice |
Pages 485-490 |
Gary J. Brierley and Kirstie A. Fryirs
73 |
The use of water quality offset investment in riparian restoration to reduce sewage treatment costs: Part (3) lessons, opportunities and barriers |
Pages 491-498 |
Beth Clouston, Fiona Norrie, Ross Hardie, Karen White, Cameron Jackson, Paul Belz, and Julian O’Mara
74 |
The importance of managing riparian zones for saving the Great Barrier Reef |
Pages 499-504 |
Andrew P Brooks, John Spencer, Jon Olley, Tim Pietsch, Fabio Iwashita, Daniel Borombovits, and Graeme Curwen
75 |
Sediment Sources to the Great Barrier Reef – what if the coastal zone is a major sediment source rather than a sink? |
Pages 505-510 |
John Spencer, Andrew Brooks, Jon Olley, Tim Pietsch, Daniel Borombovits, Graeme Curwen
76 |
Downstream changes in river reaches from the catchment to the sea in the East Alligator River basin, Northern Australia |
Pages 511-517 |
M.J. Saynor and Wayne D. Erskine
77 |
The unaccounted costs of conventional urban development: protecting stream systems in an age of urban sprawl |
Pages 518-524 |
Geoff J. Vietz, Ian D. Rutherfurd, Christopher J. Walsh , Yung En Chee, and Belinda E. Hatt
78 |
The Waterways Health Investment Planning (WHIP) System |
Pages 525-527 |
Anna Zsoldos, Sara Johnson, Andrew Boscence Amanda Wealands and Greg Bain
79 |
Logan City Council’s A.B.C: A holistic, triple bottom line framework to driving investment in waterway recovery in Logan City |
Pages 528-533 |
Barnaby Resch
80 |
Investigating the link between riparian weed invasion, riparian soil geochemistry and catchment urbanisation |
Pages 534-541 |
Chiara Grella, Carl Tippler, Adrian Renshaw and Ian A. Wright
81 |
The invasive freshwater gastropods, Physa acuta and Potamopyrgus antipodarum: distribution in urban and non-urban streams in the Georges River catchment |
Pages 542-548 |
Katie Shield, Carl Tippler, Adrian Renshaw and Ian A. Wright
82 |
Improving urban stream condition by redirecting sediments: a review of associated contaminants |
Pages 549-557 |
Arezou Houshmand, Geoff J. Vietz and Belinda E. Hatt
83 |
Bifenthrin pesticide contamination: impacts and recovery at Jamison Creek, Wentworth Falls |
Pages 558-567 |
Amy St Lawrence, Ian A. Wright, Robert B. McCormack, Christina Day, Geoffrey Smith and Brian Crane
84 |
The use of water quality offset investment in riparian restoration to reduce sewage treatment costs: Part 2- the estimation of nutrient loss avoided in river restoration. |
Pages 568-576 |
Cameron Jackson, Paul Belz, Julian O’Mara, Ross Hardie, Beth Clouston, and Fiona Norrie
85 |
Restoring coastal ecosystems for the Great Barrier Reef and the RAMSAR wetlands of Bowling Green Bay |
Pages 577-579 |
Scott Fry