7ASM Proceedings

1 Classification of intermittently closed and open coastal lakes and lagoons in Victoria, Australia
Pages 1-8
Sarah L. McSweeney, David M. Kennedy, and Ian D. Rutherfurd

2 From coral to cows – using ecosystem processes to inform catchment management of the Great Barrier Reef
Pages 9-16
Rebecca Bartley, Zoe T. Bainbridge, Stephen E. Lewis, Frederieke J. Kroon, Scott N. Wilkinson, Jon E. Brodie, Mark D. Silburn

3 Balancing a productive catchment while protecting an important ecosystem – lessons from the Corner Inlet WQIP
Pages 17-24
Dickson Michelle, Park Geoff and Roberts Anna

4 The evolution of Corryong/Nariel Creek since european settlement: Implications for on-going management prioritisation
Pages 25-35
Elisha A. Teo, Philip M. Marren

5 Creek Link – A citizen science mapping project
Pages 36-38
James Maund

6 Stakeholder engagement and adaptive governance in the monitoring, evaluation and adaptive management of environmental watering in the Edward-Wakool system
Pages 39-48
Patricia M. Bowen, John Conallin, Robyn J. Watts, Anthony Conallin, Josh Campbell, Ian Wooden, Nicole McCasker, Lee Baumgartner, Sascha Healy, Roger Knight

7 The problem of river restoration persistence
Pages 49-57
Harriet Elizabeth Moore and Ian Rutherfurd

8 Salinity, water level, and flow considerations for assessing environmental water requirements of the Lower Latrobe River
Pages 58-65
Lauchlan Arrowsmith, C., Brizga, S. and Keogh, E.

9 Please release me, let me go: an approach to determining the effects of dam operations on riverbank erosion
Pages 66-73
Grove, J., Burton, J., McGregor, G., Marshall, J. and Zavahir, F.

10 The impact of dams on floodplain geomorphology: are there any, should we care, and what should we do about it?
Pages 74-80
Philip M. Marren, James R. Grove, J. Angus Webb and Michael J. Stewardson

11 Repeat channel change in Blackfellow Creek, Lockyer Valley, South East Queensland
Pages 81-88
Ivezich, M. and Hardie, R.

12 Determination of low flow requirements for an upland Murray-Darling Basin River; the Belubula River
Pages 89-100
Driver, P.D., Fawcett J., Michener, K., and Outhet, D.

13 Time and contingency: key factors in the recovery of Murrumbidgil Swamp, a distinctive mound-channel wetland
Pages 101-108
Roberts, J.

14 Potential impacts of levee construction in the Lockyer Valley
Pages 109-115
Thompson, C., Croke, J. and Dent, C.

15 Fat cows improve water quality: the benefits of higher forage levels in Great Barrier Reef rangelands
Pages 116-122
Scott N. Wilkinson, Chris J. Stokes, Aaron A. Hawdon and D. Mike Nicholas

16 Water quality offset investment in riparian restoration to reduce sewerage treatment costs – Part 1: determining the sediment loss avoided through riparian restoration
Pages 123-132
Julian O’Mara, Ross Hardie, Karen White, Cameron Jackson, Paul Belz, Beth Clouston and Fiona Norrie.

17 Rapid appraisal of groundcover plant diversity and red gum health for the management of Murray Darling Basin wetlands
Pages 133-137
Patrick Driver, Peter Lloyd-Jones and Emily Barbour

18 Tracking waterhole persistence in dry tropical rivers
Pages 138-140
Anne Kinsey-Henderson, Steve Marvanek, David McJannet

19 Assessing the influence of environmental flows on physical habitat
Pages 140-142
Saras Windecker and Geoff Vietz

20 Cutting down, back and out: assessment of channel erosion in a sensitive floodplain wetland
Pages 143-149
Samantha M. Oyston, Timothy J. Ralph and Paul P. Hesse

21 Water quality and fish refugia in riverine waterholes in northern Queensland potentially subject to irrigation development
Pages 150-155
Nathan J, Waltham, Damien Burrows, Barry Butler and Jim Wallace

22 Big data concepts for natural resource management
Pages 156-161
Marsh Nick, Marsh Bonny

23 Living Waterways – a new alternative for realising multiple benefits of urban water systems
Pages 162-164
Andrew O’Neill, Kristy Gooding, Amalie Wright, Alan Hoban, Suzanne Jackson, and Chris Manning

24 Turf selection can save you more than just 13 Sundays each year
Pages 165-168
Jason Lange, Simon Igloi and Chris Manning

25 Getting ‘Finterested’ to share knowledge and bring back native fish
Pages 169-170
Siwan Lovett

26 Waterways and gully stabilisation in vertosol soils: Dry Creek, Condamine Catchment, QLD
Pages 171-177
Cheetham, M., and Walton, R.

27 Rivers of carbon = Rivers of life
Pages 178-179
Siwan Lovett

28 The use of geospatial and hydro-geomorphic analyses to prioritise stream restoration at the catchment-scale
Pages 180-186
Misko Ivezich and Dom Blackham

29 Incineration as a control method to manage Tiger Pear (Opuntia aurantiaca)
Pages 187-195
Mary Claire Sheridan, Michael Bermingham, Matt Lamanna and David Fisher

30 Channel and bank stability of the Burnett River in the aftermath of the 2011 and 2013 floods
Pages 196-197
Simon, A., Bankhead, N., and Wilson, P.

31 Using a risk minimisation approach to flood recovery in the Murrumbidgee River Catchment
Pages 198-201
Dwyer C., Hall A., Beal P.

32 Frogs – Weapons of mass rehabilitation in the Mary River Catchment
Pages 202-209
Eva Ford, Brad Wedlock, Deb Seal, Dale Watson and Steve Burgess

33 Refining river works techniques through one of Australia’s largest river works programs
Pages 210-219
Bowman H.H., Berry, B., Crawford, T., Martin, J. and Hughes, V.

34 The role of stream power and strategic native vegetation establishment in the management of incised river systems
Pages 220-231
Zavadil, E, Hardie, R., Blackham, D, Ivezich, M.

35 Making a difference: examples of the use of repeat LiDAR datasets to guide river management decisions following extreme floods
Pages 232-239
Grove, J.R., Croke, J. and Thompson, C.

36 How long will it take desnagged rivers to recover a natural load of wood?
Pages 240-246
Justin C. Stout, Ian D. Rutherfurd, James R., Grove and J. Angus Webb

37 Monitoring change in river condition in response to river engineering: developing an index of natural character to maintain river habitat
Pages 247-254
Fuller, I.C., Death R.G. and Death A.

38 Morphological characteristics of riverbank failure on the Lower River Murray, South Australia
Pages 255-261
De Carli, E.V. and Hubble, T.C.T.

39 Developing a model of upland swamp structure, function and evolution for biodiversity conservation and rehabilitation: The case of threatened Temperate Highland Peat Swamps on Sandstone (THPSS)
Pages 262-267
Kirstie Fryirs, Ben Freidman, Rory Williams, Geraldine Jacobsen, Grant Hose

40 Is passive revegetation through utilisation of soil seed banks a viable rehabilitation option in riparian ecosystems?
Pages 268-273
Kirstie Fryirs, Jessica O’Donnell, Alexandra Carthey, Michelle Leishman

41 Effect of riparian vegetation on channel complexity and nutrient processing in a subtropical catchment in Queensland, Australia
Pages 274-277
Nina E. Saxton, Michele A. Burford, Stephen J. Faggotter, Doug Ward, Tanya Ellison, Kate Smolders and Morag Stewart

42 Geomechanical modeling of the Murray’s Millennium Drought river bank failures: a case of the unexpected consequences of slow drawdown, soft bank materials and anthropogenic change
Pages 278-284
Hubble T., De Carli E., and Airey D.

43 Evaluating the negative impacts of agricultural weed control on riparian vegetation condition in Australia’s Wet Tropics region
Pages 285-290
Marcus Bulstrode

44 Factors influencing deoxygenation following an unintended whole of water body herbicide treatment of aquatic weed cabomba in a natural wetland in the Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia.
Pages 291-299
Christina Day, Ian A. Wright, Amy St Lawrence, Robert Setter, Geoffrey Smith

45 The shifting sands of Stockyard Creek: the geomorphic response to large wood reintroduction in a sand-bed stream
Pages 300-305
Hughes, R.M., Cohen, T.J. and Brooks, A.P.

46 Characterizing root architecture of riparian vegetation for assessing bank erosion potential in Queensland Rivers: A stochastic framework to integrate field and LIDAR data
Pages 306-309
Fabio Iwashita, Andrew P. Brooks, Graeme Curwen, John Spencer, Ed Thexton, Jon Olley

47 Evaluating the effectiveness of the Dights Falls fishway in the Yarra River, Melbourne Australia
Pages 310-318
Dan Borg, Justin O’Connor and Matthew Jones

48 Trialling carp pod Traps in the Wimmera, Victoria
Pages 319-320
Greg Fletcher, Bruce McInnes and Mark Toomey

49 An environmentally sensitive erosion control technique in the Mekong River Delta: 10 years on
Pages 321-326
John Tilleard and Tony Ladson

50 Evidence-based water allocation in intermittent streams using macroinvertebrate community responses: A case study in the Barossa Valley, South Australia
Pages 327-333
Deane, D., Maxwell, S.E. and Green, D.J.

51 Multiple factors influence the performance of pile fields during major floods: an example from the Loddon River, Victoria
Pages 334-337
Julian Martin, Angela Gladman, Kathy Russell and Christine Arrowsmith

52 The evolution of watercourse diversion design in central Queensland coal mines
Pages 338-348
Karen White, Ross Hardie, Rohan Lucas, John Merritt and Bernie Kirsch

53 A review of the effect of floodplain gravel mining on river stability
Pages 349-359
Anthony R. Ladson, Dean A. Judd

54 Designing a method for assessing the use of produced water from coal seam gas projects to supplement environmental flows
Pages 360-368
Lisa Duncan, Matthew Currell, Ross Hardie

55 The assessment of impacts from mining wastes on water quality and aquatic ecosystems using freshwater macroinvertebrate communities and novel bio-assay tests.
Pages 369-376
Rebecca Sullivan, Ian Wright, Adrian Renshaw and Mitchell Wilks

56 River management on a reach basis highlights lagged channel responses to multiple catchment disturbances: Yea and Murrindindi rivers, Victoria
Pages 377-384
Wayne Erskine, Anthony Ladson, John Tilleard and Michael Cheetham

57 Impact of a coal mine waste discharge on water quality and aquatic ecosystems in the Blue Mountains World Heritage area.
Pages 385-391
Nakia Belmer, Carl Tippler, Peter J. Davies and Ian A. Wright

58 Does seasonality influence freshwater macroinvertebrate communities in the temperate paradise of Sydney?
Pages 392-399
Tippler C., Findlay S., Wright I.A., Davies P.J., Evans C. and Ahmed M.

59 Collaborating to deliver better monitoring outcomes: lessons learned from the Victorian Environmental Flows Monitoring Program
Pages 400-408
Andrew Sharpe, Angus Webb, Louisa Davis

60 Simple and consistent: measuring the metrics that matter in riparian management for water quality
Pages 409-412
Stuart Naylor, Riad Fahd and Jacob Adams

61 Compiling 40,000 photos of a River Murray Works program into a useable and accessible format
Pages 413-414
Ben Berry

62 Always let the facts get in the way of a good story: using multi-scale data sets to detect the impact of grazing land management on runoff and erosion in the Burdekin catchment
Pages 415-418
Hawdon, A.A., Bartley, R., Wilkinson, S.N. and Henderson, A.E.

63 Looking at long term riparian rehabilitation Outcomes: Boorowa River Recovery Project Integrated Water Resources Management Evaluation
Pages 419-426
Gould, L.

64 Collecting 29,000 km of river condition data using LiDAR and aerial photography
Pages 427-435
Paul Wilson

65 Land use and erosion risk in small forest catchments on the Coral Coast of Fiji: baseline estimates of sediment inputs to coastal lagoons.
Pages 436-444
Arishma R. Ram and James P. Terry

66 From scouring reeds to cleaning cobbles: adaptive management of environmental water in action
Pages 445-451
Andrew Sharpe, Peter Sandercock, Simon Treadwell and Bill Moulden

67 Do native fish need healthy riparian vegetation? An assessment of 1,000km of the Billabong, Yanco and Colombo Creeks, NSW.
Pages 452-456
James Kaye, Monica Hersburgh, Clayton Sharpe, Trish Bowen, Anthony Conallin

68 Waterwatch data quality: an opportunity to augment professionally collected data sets
Pages 457-462
Fiona Dyer, Evan Harrison, Bernd Gruber, Susan Nichols, Alica Tschierschke and Woo O’Reilly

69 Water quality and ecological impacts of treated sewage effluent on a peri-urban stream
Pages 463-468
Naomi Chircop and Ian A. Wright

70 Adopting and adapting macroinvertebrate measures for health assessments of ephemeral freshwater systems: a review
Pages 469-477
Stitz, L., Fabbro, L. and Kinnear, S.

71 Adaptive management of temperate highland peat swamps on sandstone in the Blue Mountains: Is it occurring?
Pages 478-484
Nicole Ashby, Kirstie Fryirs, Richie Howitt

72 The importance of ‘moving targets’ in assessing what is physically achievable and what we seek to achieve in river restoration practice
Pages 485-490
Gary J. Brierley and Kirstie A. Fryirs

73 The use of water quality offset investment in riparian restoration to reduce sewage treatment costs: Part (3) lessons, opportunities and barriers
Pages 491-498
Beth Clouston, Fiona Norrie, Ross Hardie, Karen White, Cameron Jackson, Paul Belz, and Julian O’Mara

74 The importance of managing riparian zones for saving the Great Barrier Reef
Pages 499-504
Andrew P Brooks, John Spencer, Jon Olley, Tim Pietsch, Fabio Iwashita, Daniel Borombovits, and Graeme Curwen

75 Sediment Sources to the Great Barrier Reef – what if the coastal zone is a major sediment source rather than a sink?
Pages 505-510
John Spencer, Andrew Brooks, Jon Olley, Tim Pietsch, Daniel Borombovits, Graeme Curwen

76 Downstream changes in river reaches from the catchment to the sea in the East Alligator River basin, Northern Australia
Pages 511-517
M.J. Saynor and Wayne D. Erskine

77 The unaccounted costs of conventional urban development: protecting stream systems in an age of urban sprawl
Pages 518-524
Geoff J. Vietz, Ian D. Rutherfurd, Christopher J. Walsh , Yung En Chee, and Belinda E. Hatt

78 The Waterways Health Investment Planning (WHIP) System
Pages 525-527
Anna Zsoldos, Sara Johnson, Andrew Boscence Amanda Wealands and Greg Bain

79 Logan City Council’s A.B.C: A holistic, triple bottom line framework to driving investment in waterway recovery in Logan City
Pages 528-533
Barnaby Resch

80 Investigating the link between riparian weed invasion, riparian soil geochemistry and catchment urbanisation
Pages 534-541
Chiara Grella, Carl Tippler, Adrian Renshaw and Ian A. Wright

81 The invasive freshwater gastropods, Physa acuta and Potamopyrgus antipodarum: distribution in urban and non-urban streams in the Georges River catchment
Pages 542-548
Katie Shield, Carl Tippler, Adrian Renshaw and Ian A. Wright

82 Improving urban stream condition by redirecting sediments: a review of associated contaminants
Pages 549-557
Arezou Houshmand, Geoff J. Vietz and Belinda E. Hatt

83 Bifenthrin pesticide contamination: impacts and recovery at Jamison Creek, Wentworth Falls
Pages 558-567
Amy St Lawrence, Ian A. Wright, Robert B. McCormack, Christina Day, Geoffrey Smith and Brian Crane

84 The use of water quality offset investment in riparian restoration to reduce sewage treatment costs: Part 2- the estimation of nutrient loss avoided in river restoration.
Pages 568-576
Cameron Jackson, Paul Belz, Julian O’Mara, Ross Hardie, Beth Clouston, and Fiona Norrie

85 Restoring coastal ecosystems for the Great Barrier Reef and the RAMSAR wetlands of Bowling Green Bay
Pages 577-579
Scott Fry

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