10ASM Proceedings

1 Complete Proceedings

2 A quarter-century of evolution in Australian stream management
Kathy Russell

3 The Victorian Waterway Management Strategy: Final lessons and what’s next
Amber Perry

4 Clyde Creek, how working together pays off.
Dale Tunstall

5 Upper Mitta Mitta catchment action planning
Samuel Gitahi

6 A birds eye view: Using remotely sensed data to monitor Limits of Acceptable Change in the Gippsland Lakes Ramsar Site
Jennifer Hale

7 Using historical Landsat data to assess the need for active revegetation in catchments undergoing ongoing natural revegetation
Timothy Pietsch

8 Delineating multiple flow paths in anastomosing river systems with wetlands using DEMs
Timothy Ralph

9 Somewhere over the Rainbow
David Stork

10 From fragmentation to interconnection – A landscape scale approach for floodplain wetland prioritisation and management
Simon Treadwell

11 Identifying corridors of river recovery in coastal NSW for use in decision support and prioritisation systems.
Danelle Agnew

13 Fires floods droughts and urban development. Assessing the relative impacts of multiple pressures on waterways through a long term monitoring program
Alice Blackwood

14 Narrative-based reporting to evaluate river-basin management for waterbirds
Brittany Betteridge

15 Building capacity in monitoring, evaluation and reporting for more effective waterway management
Trent Wallis

16 Who are we designing for? Design approaches and perspectives for catchment management in the digital era.
Myles Coker

17 Eflow Projector: Assessing the performance of environmental flows
Nick Marsh

18 The use of citizen scientists to confirm the presence of platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) in north-west Sydney
Michelle Ryan

19 Rivers, residents and restoration: Local relations to the Waimat? River, Aotearoa New Zealand
Danielle Cairns

20 Assessing the benefits of stream frontage management to the condition of the Campaspe River
Jackie Myers

21 Innovative citizen science with eDNA inspires engagement from private landholders on waterway biodiversity.
Helen Barclay

22 Where does Warrego water go – A 30-year flood study
Shjarn Winkle

23 Waterway recovery and flood impact ethics law and a way forward
Ben Walker

24 The March 2021 Flood On The Hawkesbury-Nepean River An opportunity to revisit The Flood-Dominated Regime and Drought-Dominated Regime Model
Tom Hubble

25 Sharing knowledge and building capacity – Monitoring the impact of 2020 bushfires on Gunaikurnai Country.
Patrick Maiden

26 Black Summer waterways recovery: Our new approach
Astrid Dunkley

27 Key learnings from Australian drinking water authorities for catchment bushfire response – Preparedness, priorities, and performance
Rhiannon Hughes

28 Advanced hydrodynamic modelling of pile field groyne bank stabilisation works to inform design guidelines – study in progress
Marnina Tozer

29 Cost Effectiveness of Bendway Weir Stream Re-Training Techniques in Australia
Reece Fraser

30 Striking gold – Thomson River fishway & walking track (Horseshoe Bend)
David Stork

31 Building stable and resilient foreshores using a natural approach
Marjolein Oram

32 Exploring the relationship between channel bed control structures and stream power in low-gradient floodplain wetlands
Timothy Ralph

33 Post-fire response in the Warragamba drinking water catchment.
Rebecca Mabbott

34 East gippsland recovering together
Becky Hemming

35 Bushfire recovery in the nariel valley a long way to go
Kelly Behrens

36 Impact of bushfire on platypus populations in southeastern Australia
Josh Griffiths

37 Post-fire erosion and recovery in Warrumbungle National Park – An outlook
Esther Qinggaozi Zhu

38 The identification and management of active, coarse grained, meandering rivers in Victoria, Australia
Ross Hardie

39 Recovery of riparian vegetation and channel geomorphology in coastal rivers of NSW
Nuosha Zhang

40 Reviewing fire as a riparian vegetation management technique
Elisha Duxbury

41 Challenges for management of treated sewage urban and rural runoff in NSW Southern Highlands Waterway values include biodiversity (platypus habitat) drinking water catchment and World Heritage Area
Katherine Morrison

42 Using riparian protection to offset discharged treated wastewater
Kirsten Roszak

43 The geochemistry of cocaine in the Hawkesbury-Nepean river
Jason Reynolds

44 Quantifying the impacts of carp and waterbirds on aquatic vegetation within a regulated lowland river
Chris Jones

45 Wetland wildfire: seedbank response to different watering regimes
Ben Vincent

46 Impact of farm dam interception on environmental flow compliance
Katherine Szabo

47 Where geomorphology meets politics: the story of the Barmah Choke on the Murray River
Ian Rutherfurd

48 The effect of water quality, macroinvertebrate assemblages and habitat suitability on the distribution of Platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus); a pilot study in Cattai Catchment, North West Sydney
Breony Webb

49 Integrated Waterways
Glenn Browning

50 Impact of urban development on endangered wetland ecological communities in the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area
Rani Carroll

51 Unravelling the key drivers of variation in headwater organic matter decomposition in an urbanizing region
Stephanie Brown

52 Munching on Moira Grass: Vegetation response in wetlands in the Barmah Forest Ramsar site when feral animal grazing is controlled over 12 months.
Johanna Slijkerman

53 Remapping the distribution of Common Reed along the Wimmera River using satellite imagery. Why has the distribution and abundance changed in the last 15 years?
Jamie Kaye

54 Catchment management options for reducing agri-chemical impact on waterways
Katrina Lansdown

55 Beyond the Shed: poultry, poo and pasture
Andrew Morris

56 Assessing the risk from domestic wastewater in open catchments and developing optimised investment programs to protect drinking water quality.
Morag Stewart

57 An overview of the shoalhaven reclaimed water management scheme (rems) protecting river bay and ocean.
David Fleeting

58 Steps towards incorporating geomorphic considerations in farm and catchment management plans in the Waimat? Catchment, Aotearoa New Zealand
Khendra Harvey

59 Stream bank erosion modelling and prediction in the Great Barrier Reef catchments
Misko Ivezich

60 Worn down and wasting away: the impact of rainsplash erosion in alluvial gullies
James Daley

61 Commercial sand extraction accelerates the recovery of sand bed stream impacted by a sediment pulse
Alex Sims

62 Reducing sediment delivery to the Great Barrier Reef using spatial data
Jacqui Reid

63 Target the right gullies to achieve the Targets
Andrew Brooks

64 Where has all the sand gone? Understanding the implications of sand movement following renourishment works to protect Threatened tern habitat in the Gippsland Lakes
Sean Phillipson

65 A gully is not a stream channel. Why does it matter?
Robin Thwaites

66 Working with river process in managing sediment flux from the Kourawhero Catchment into Kaipara Harbour Aotearoa New Zealand
Jacqui McCord

67 Innovations in eDNA Sampling Technology: Comparing Manual and Automated Techniques
Farley Connelly

69 Why we need to value feminine leadership traits in river management
Siwan Lovett

70 ‘Co-CEOs’ – setting the tone from the top on flexible work arrangements
Sarina Loo

71 The Whole Person Practitioner
Belinda Chapman

72 The 2020 Basin Plan evaluation
Joel Bailey

73 Mapping water in dry flat environments: A study using Sentinel imagery in the northern Murray-Darling Basin
Paul Frazier

74 Building Climate Adaptation in the Murray–Darling Basin
Meera Joyce

75 The End of Coal: future implications for management of Australian waterways
Ian Wright

76 Grading Coal Mine Wastewater impacts to Aquatic Ecosystems, measured through Macroinvertebrate Diagnostic Biotic Index.
Nakia Belmer

77 Encouraging signs of ecological recovery from a river polluted with coal mine wastes within the Blue Mountains World Heritage Area
Callum Fleming

78 River dreaming and the vision for urban streams
Alexa McAuley

79 Reviving a semi-urban waterway: lessons from the Jamison Catchment Streets to Creeks project
Amy St Lawrence

80 Urban stream rehabilitation: enabling school children and community to ‘visualise’ a cleaner, more-healthy urban stream using art, science and the power of imagination
Leo Robba

81 An ecological garden – a new future for a one kilometre concrete channel
David Knights

82 Cold Water Cod – Forgotten, but not Gone
Andrew Briggs

83 Testing predictions of hydrological consequences for fish biodiversity at landscape scales
Rob Rolls

84 Enhancing floodplain connectivity, first steps towards habitat restoration for threatened species
Peter Sandercock

85 Cockatoo Swamp hydrology improvement project
Sarah Gregor

86 What we’ve learned from 10 years of integrating biophysical and social research to improve outcomes of environmental flows in Australia
Robyn Watts

87 Eflow Projector: Assessing the performance of environmental flows
Nick Marsh

88 What happens when you re-start a dry river – the Northern Fish Flow
Mark Southwell

89 Are environmental flow targets ‘climate ready’?
Meegan Judd

90 Enhancing native fish populations using environmental flows: a synthesis of outcomes from the Victorian Environmental Flow Monitoring and Assessment Program
Zeb Tonkin

91 Developing an automated environmental water requirement tool in python
Martin Job

92 Assessing waterways from the sky: A new era in monitoring using drones
Geoff Vietz

93 Applying a bird’s eye view to environmental water planning
Andrew Sharpe

94 Mapping refugia pools in the Barwon river using high resolution satellite imagery
Vaibhav Gupta

95 Do we still need a human? Geomorphic analysis and interpretation of river systems in an age of emerging technology and big data
Kirstie Fryirs

96 Integrating dryland geomorphology into river diversion designs
Alissa Flatley

97 Accreditation Program for Geomorphologists Practicing in Australia and New Zealand
Michael Cheetham

98 Where geomorphology meets politics: the story of the Barmah Choke on the Murray River
Ian Rutherfurd

99 If there’s something strange in your neighborhood: informing management of fluvial erosion and deposition using multiple LiDAR captures?
James Grove

100 River Styles assessment and geomorphic sensitivity of the Waip? River Catchment, Aotearoa New Zealand
Nicole Wheeler

101 The identification and management of active, coarse grained, meandering rivers in Victoria, Australia
Ross Hardie

102 The way of the rivers ranges of geomorphic recovery in comparative river catchments under differing land use regimes and rehabilitation programs
Fergus Hancock

103 Why and how to track co-benefits or social and cultural outcomes
Tamara Boyd

104 Reporting in Pictures: visualizing an easier way to understanding outcomes of stream rehabilitation projects
Lori Gould

105 Influencing management and sharing our findings: communication and engagement efforts within the Victorian Environmental Flow Monitoring and Assessment Program
Pam Clunie

106 Striking the balance between oversimplified and overdetailed: A tale of two report cards
Tory Grice

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