2ASM Proceedings

1 Riverbank reinforcement by riparian roots
Pages 1-8
Bruce Abernethy and Ian Rutherfurd

2 The “science” of consultation: A Tasmanian experience
Pages 9-14
Sonia Anderson

3 Rivers in the rangelands – What’s happening in the Lake Eyre basin
Pages 15-20
Kate Andrews

4 Roles of Goulburn City in managing catchment water quality
Pages 21-26
Peter Bacon, Judith Rawling, Robyn Tuft, Andrew Smith, Jack Miller and Marina van Vliet

5 A proposed plan for the rehabilitation of the Snowy River in Victoria
Pages 27-32
Michael Bain and John Tilleard

6 Our patch – A community challenge
Pages 33-38
Rachel Barratt

7 The recovery of geomorphic complexity in disturbed streams: Using migrating sand slugs as a model
Pages 39-44
Rebecca Bartley and Ian Rutherfurd

8 Providing useful information through monitoring activities
Pages 45-50
Jane Bateson, Murray Rankin, Chris Barry, Dirk Holwerda, Stuart Minchin and Nick Souter

9 Management of stock access to the riparian zone
Pages 51-56
Ian Bell and Tom Priestley

10 Sediment deposition and delivery for a small agricultural catchment during a major rainfall event in Belgium
Pages 57-62
Laurent Beuselinck, J. Nachtergaele, I. Takken, G. Govers, A. Steegen and J. Poesen

11 Inventory of dams in the Marne catchment, South Australia
Pages 63-68
Karla Billington and Steven Kotz

12 River management arising from willow removal (where there’s a willow there’s a way)
Pages 69-74
Christopher Bobbi

13 Sustainable riverine sand and gravel extraction in Queensland, a new resource management approach
Pages 75-80
Sally Boon

14 The role of subsurface biological filters in gravel-bed river rehabilitation strategies
Pages 81-86
Andrew Boulton

15 Development of community based river planning on the north coast of New South Wales
Pages 87-92
Peter Boyd, Tony Broderick, Sharon Cunial and Fiona Nagel

16 River Styles: An integrative biophysical template for river management
Pages 93-100
Gary Brierley

17 Linking water management and waterway management in the Yarra River, Victoria, Australia
Pages 101-106
Sandra Brizga, Neil Craigie and Scott Seymour

18 Fluvial geomorphology and management of stream erosion in the Bunyip Main Drain, Victoria
Pages 107-112
Sandra Brizga, Neil Craigie and Scott Seymour

19 Rehabilitation of streams receiving inter-basin transfers – NSW north coast
Pages 113-120
Tony Broderick and David Outhet

20 Lessons for river managers from the fluvial tardis (direct insight into post-European channel changes from a near-intact alluvial river)
Pages 121-128
Andrew Brooks

21 Large woody debris and the geomorphology of a perennial river in southeastern Australia
Pages 129-136
Andrew Brooks

22 Biological assessment of aquatic habitat rehabilitation in the Broken River and Ryans Creek, north east Victoria
Pages 137-142
Paul Brown, John Douglas, Geoff Gooley and Wayne Tennant

23 Incorporating ecological enhancements into the Cooma flood mitigation scheme
Pages 143-148
John Bucinskas, Richard Evans and Neil Benning

24 The East Gippsland floods of June 1998: Stream erosion and the response of catchment management
Pages 149-154
Rex Candy and Lindsay White

25 Rehabilitation of disturbed stream frontages using natural vegetation templates – A case study on the Yarra River, Victoria
Pages 155-162
Geoff Carr, Roger Lord and Scott Seymour

26 Who is watching our water? Waterwatch Australia
Pages 163-168
Sarah Chalkley, Brendan Edgar and Kate Gowland

27 Community involvement in stream management
Pages 169-172
Alistair Christie

28 Enhanced vegetation survey techniques for riparian management
Pages 173-176
Glenn Christie and Steve Clarke

29 Phosphorus uptake efficiency of three aquatic macrophyte species and their response to harvesting
Pages 177-180
Steve Clarke and Scotte Wedderburn

30 Channel recovery mechanisms in a forested catchment, Jones creek, East Gippsland: Lessons for river management in southeastern Australia.
Pages 181-186
Tim Cohen

31 Assessing the health of Melbourne’s waterways
Pages 187-192
Rhys Coleman and Vincent Pettigrove

32 Restoring fundamental ecological processes in small, forested upland streams: The importance of riparian vegetation.
Pages 193-198
Peter Davies and Stuart Bunn

33 The role of historical research in stream restoration: A case study from central Victoria
Pages 199-204
Jennifer Davis and Brian Finlayson

34 Use of spell analysis as a practical tool to link ecological needs with hydrological characteristics
Pages 205-210
Alieta Donald, Rory Nathan and Julia Reed

35 Muddy waters: Issues in assessing the impact of in-stream structures for river restoration
Pages 211-218
Peter Downs, Kevin Skinner and Philip Soar

36 A geomorphic study into the effect and remedies of European influences on the Nambucca River catchment: Lessons for gravel-bed river management in coastal southeastern Australia
Pages 219-224
Chris Doyle, Gerald Nanson and Steve Perrens

37 Love your river – Love your river operator
Pages 225-230
Ben Dyer

38 The effect of vegetation on flood levels
Pages 231-236
Rachel Eley and Robert Keller

39 A protocol for river rehabilitation
Pages 237-244
Wayne Erskine and Ashley Webb

40 Why should people adopt best practice stream management?
Pages 245-248
John Fargher and Helen Watts

41 Know your catchment! The importance of understanding controls on River Styles and their distribution in catchment management
Pages 249-256
Rob Ferguson

42 Broad scale delivery of rural riparian rehabilitation programs: An example from the River Torrens, South Australia
Pages 257-262
Geoff Fisher, Jason Carter and Jim Burston

43 The Maribyrnong River, lessons from a decade of stream stabilisation works
Pages 263-266
David Fisher

44 Cumulative effects analysis – Grasping the big picture of environmental change in river systems
Pages 267-272
Tim Fletcher and Leon Bren

45 Moving from science to sustainability
Pages 273-278
Derek Foster

46 The recovery potential of River Styles in the Bega catchment, NSW: A catchment based framework for prioritisation of river rehabilitation strategies
Pages 279-286
Kirstie Fryirs

47 Secrets in the sediments: A history of sediment and pollution loads in the lower Torrens River, S.A.
Pages 287-292
Peter Gell, Peter Wallbrink, Glenn Tassicker and Marie Illman

48 Watercourse survey in the Bremer Barker catchment
Pages 293-298
Meredith Gibson and Beryl Belford

49 Developing a focused vision for river rehabilitation: The lower Snowy River, Victoria
Pages 299-306
Christopher Gippel

50 The operational effectiveness of the bath’s precinct on-line wet retention pond, Armidale, NSW, Australia
Pages 307-312
A.P. Goodridge and P.H. Southcott

51 Is it feasible to restore the salinity-affected rivers of the western Australian wheatbelt?
Pages 313-318
Thomas Hatton and Ramsis Salama

52 Natural near-stream hydrological buffering: The role of a small alluvial fan on the Southern Tablelands, NSW
Pages 319-324
Natasha Herron and Cathy Wilson

53 ERAPSM: A model for setting priorities for environmental aspects of waterway
Pages 325-330
Shelley Heron, Chris Chesterfield and Arthur Sovitslis

54 The use of native long-stem tubestock as an alternative to willows for controlling streambank erosion
Pages 331-334
Bill Hicks, Allan Raine, Grant Crabbe and Mark Elsley

55 Sand and gravel transport rates in Queensland rivers
Pages 335-340
Anthony Horn, Marianna Joo and Wojciech Poplawski

56 Caps, sinks, drains and hot air: The implications and opportunities to restore rivers arising from controls on greenhouse emissions
Pages 341-346
Anthony Hurst and Belinda Bergin

57 Integrated management of the disposal of sewage effluent and environmental flows: Turning a flush into a flow.
Pages 347-352
Anthony Hurst

58 The use of systems methodologies in natural resource development management
Pages 353-358
William Hutchinson

59 Stream restoration lessons learned in North Carolina, USA
Pages 359-364
Gregory Jennings and William Harman

60 Stream rehabilitation essentials: A conceptual framework and an integrated planning and design procedure
Pages 365-370
Ross Kaptizke

61 Sediment storage capacity of grass buffer strips
Pages 371-376
Linda Karssies and Ian Prosser

62 A world apart, but far from different – Stream and river management in the Czech Republic.
Pages 377-380
Vlastimil Kostkan

63 Successful stream rehabilitation: First set the goals
Pages 381-388
Anthony Ladson, John Tilleard and Sarah Ewing

64 Providing for fish passage at small instream structures in Victoria
Pages 389-394
Barry Lewis, Tim O’Brien and Siraj Perera

65 Changing approaches to river management in the Tasmanian hydro electricity system
Pages 395-400
Helen Locher

66 Translating research into real-life results: Making river research relevant
Pages 401-404
Siwan Lovett and P.C. Price

67 River restoration: A comprehensive framework
Pages 405-410
Alicia Lucas, Simon Nicol and John Koehn

68 Edges define the stream! Restoring the integrity of riparian zones beginning with coarse woody debris (CWD) on the Murray-Darling floodplains
Pages 411-416
Ralph MacNally and Amber Parkinson

69 Stream management & education for sustained communities
Pages 417-420
Rex Manson and Bon Darlington

70 Restoration of alienated floodplain channels: Effects on interstitial assemblages
Pages 421-426
Pierre Marmonier, Cécile Claret and Marie-José Dole-Olivier

71 Large woody debris in some Australian streams: Natural loading, distribution and morphological effects
Pages 427-432
Nick Marsh, Ian Rutherfurd and Kathryn Jerie

72 Sampling large woody debris loading in streams: A comparison of the line-intersect and census methods
Pages 433-438
Nick Marsh, Kathryn Jerie and Christopher Gippel

73 Preliminary results on the effectiveness of riparian buffers in far north Queensland
Pages 439-444
Lucy McKergow, Ian Prosser and Dale Heiner

74 Hypotheses of the ecological benefits of environmental flows in lowland rivers
Pages 445-450
Brad Mitchell, Peter Lind and Belinda Robson

75 Prescriptive measures for the prevention of road to stream linkage.
Pages 451-456
Simon Mockler and Jacky Croke

76 The transitional shift in riverine management methodologies: A move towards a critical spirit
Pages 457-462
Nicole Motteux, Kate Rowntree and Etienne Nel

77 GIS hydrologic information packages for communities
Pages 463-468
Michael Mozina and Anthony Brinkley

78 The ABC of riparian plants: The importance of native, regional aquatic plants in stream rehabilitation
Pages 469-472
Robert Myers

79 Landscape stability, quaternary climate change and European degradation of coastal rivers in southeastern Australia
Pages 473-480
Gerald Nanson and Chris Doyle

80 Riparian wetland processing of nitrogen, phosphorus and suspended sediment inputs from a hill country sheep-grazed catchment in New Zealand
Pages 481-486
Long Nguyen, Malcolm Downes, Jens Mehlhorn and Morag Stroud

81 Evolution of stream protection and rehabilitation in NSW
Pages 487-492
David Outhet, Glenn Adamson, Jim Armstrong, John Graice, Walter Hader, Kate Lorimer-Ward, Cliff Massey, Fiona Nagel, Stuart Pengelly, Allan Raine, Mark Shepheard, Tim Smith, Peter Wem and Rachael Young

82 Modelling floodplain inundation under natural and regulated flows in the lower River Murray
Pages 493-498
Ian Overton, Bob Newman, Brenton Erdmann, Nicolie Sykora and Suzanne Slegers

83 The geomorphic assessor
Pages 499-504
Adolphe Parfait

84 Temporal changes in heavy metal concentrations in sediments from Melbourne’s waterways
Pages 505-510
Vincent Pettigrove

85 Identifying priorities for riparian restoration aimed at sediment control
Pages 511-516
Ian Prosser

86 A co-operative approach to improve water quality Tarago Reservoir catchment strategy
Pages 517-522
John Riddiford

87 Restoring pasture streams in New Zealand: Can computer models help?
Pages 523-526
Kit Rutherford, Tim Cox and Niall Broekhuizen

88 Don’t raise the titanic: How to set priorities for stream rehabilitation
Pages 527-532
Ian Rutherfurd, Kathryn Jerie, Mark Walker and Nick Marsh

89 The secrets of good agency-community partnerships: A review of stream repair programs on WA’s south coast
Pages 533-538
Basil Schur and Natalie Reeves

90 Linking waterway rehabilitation programs to community development: Green corps projects on the south coast of Western Australia
Pages 539-542
Basil Schur, Louise Duxbury and Kevin Hopkinson

91 The art of catchment defence
Pages 543-548
Ross Scott

92 Bed and bank stabilisation of a highly modified, high intensity urban watercourse
Pages 549-554
Grant Shaw

93 A community developed framework for stream rehabilitation in the Murrumbidgee River catchment
Pages 555-560
Mark Shepheard, Paul Ryan, Tom Stacy and Abel Immaraj

94 Water balance of plantations in southeastern South Australia
Pages 561-566
David Sheriff and Tanya Doody

95 Community empowerment through water quality monitoring and action in the Hawkesbury-Nepean catchment
Pages 567-572
Avtar Singh

96 Willows – friend or foe? An historical perspective
Pages 573-578
Tim Smith and Barry Starr

97 Community involvement in stream rehabilitation
Pages 579-582
Tim Smith

98 Water quality management in urban coastal creeks: Objective data for rational management decisions
Pages 583-588
Ray Stanton, David Mackenzie, Emmet O’Loughlin and Gary Smith

99 The use of historical data in community river management planning
Pages 589-594
Barry Starr

100 Physical evaluation of rehabilitation works in Broken River and Ryans Creek, north east Victoria
Pages 595-600
Michael Stewardson, Ian Rutherfurd and Wayne Tennant

101 Hydraulic assessment of rehabilitation measures proposed for the lower Snowy River
Pages 601-608
Michael Stewardson

102 The impact of irrigation on floodplain vegetation health adjacent the River Murray
Pages 609-616
Andrew Telfer and Ian Overton

103 Stream rehabilitation and co-operation of the riparian land holder
Pages 617-622
Daniel Terrill

104 Rehabilitation of the the lower Genoa River, far east Gippsland, Victoria with assisted regeneration
Pages 623-628
Ed Thexton

105 “Effective discharge” as an aid to river rehabilitation
Pages 629-636
John Tilleard

106 Gauging of rapidly varying flows in urban streams
Pages 637-642
Jim Tilley, Alf Wojcik, James Ball, Andrew Coates and Ismail Abustan

107 Working with the community to revitalise Toowoomba’s urban creeks – Case study
Pages 643-648
Catherine Travers and Chris Egbars

108 A sociological look at natural resource management: environmental management in Australian agriculture
Pages 649-654
Frank Vanclay

109 What if there was no river system
Pages 655-658
Robert Vincin

110 An approach to predicting rates of bend migration in meandering alluvial streams
Pages 659-666
Mark Walker and Ian Rutherfurd

111 Management implications of channel incision in the Liverpool Plains region
Pages 667-672
Peter Wallbrink, Cathy Wilson, Jon Olley and Sara Beavis

112 Urban stream rehabilitation through a decision-making framework to identify degrading processes and prioritize management actions
Pages 673-678
Christopher Walsh and Peter Breen

113 Monitoring and evaluation: Tokenism or the potential for achievements in streamway management.
Pages 679-682
Helen Watts and John Fargher

114 Guidelines for the rehabilitation of riparian vegetation in southeastern Australia
Pages 683-690
Ashley Webb and Wayne Erskine

115 Fishways – An element of stream rehabilitation: some issues, recent successes, and research needs
Pages 691-696
Lindsay White and Tim O’Brien

116 On the cost of stream management and rehabilitation in Australia
Pages 697-704
Lindsay White, Ian Rutherfurd and Ross Hardie

117 Protecting waterway reservations: Experiences of a market-oriented holistic approach
Pages 705-712
C.M. Wijayaratna and Kumudini Jayawardena

118 Resistance of riparian trees and shrubs to toppling in large floods
Pages 713-718
Scott Wilkinson, Ian Rutherfurd and Kathryn Jerie

119 Urban rivers and streams: Important community wetlands needing informed management
Pages 719-724
William Williams

120 Post gold rush stream regeneration: Implications for managing exotic and native vegetation
Pages 725-730
Michael Wilson

121 A strategy for healthy waterways in the Port Phillip and Westernport region, Victoria
Pages 731-736
Kevin Wood, Shelley Heron and Chris Chesterfield

122 A community perspective on planning for action – River rehabilitation on the NSW
Pages 737-742
Julie Woodroffe and Tony Broderick

123 Community funding programs – successes or failures an evaluation of the nutrient control incentive scheme
Pages 743-748
Carolyn Young and Peter Coupland

124 Some scale considerations for watercourse restoration and rehabilitation
Pages 749-756
Robert Ziemer

125 Environmental flows and riparian zone assessment for the Wakefield River catchment
Pages 757-758
Diane Favier, Sharon Rixon and Glen Scholz

126 Salt water intrusion
Pages 759-760
Clair O’Brien

127 Community involvement in mid north riverine planning
Pages 761-762
Sharon Rixon, Diane Favier and Glen Scholz

128 Floods and the biological productivity of floodplain habitats
Pages 763-764
Alistar Robertson and Geoff Heagney

129 Rapid assessment of stream condition using airborne videography
Pages 765-766
Glen Scholz, Diane Favier and Sharon Rixon

130 Assessing the impact of environmental flows in the Murrumbidgee River
Pages 767-768
R.J. Watts, Darren Ryder, L. Chisholm and B.J. Lowe

131 Restoring Burnt Bridge Creek, Sydney
Pages 769-769
Greg White, Gareth Thomas, Brendan Atkins, Alison Parr, Judy Reizes and Jenny Minifie

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