1 |
Where does river rehabilitation fit in catchment management? |
Pages 1-6 |
Bruce Abernethy and Tanya Wansbrough
2 |
Urban impacts on biophysical condition of Hornsby Shire streams |
Pages 7-14 |
Peter Bacon, Robyn Tuft, Judith Rawling, Leeta Caiger, William Rooney, Robert Gittins, Graham Pyke and Jacquie Grove
3 |
Statistics, snags and sand: Measuring the geomorphic recovery of streams disturbed by sediment slugs |
Pages 15-22 |
Rebecca Bartley and Ian Rutherfurd
4 |
The impact of farm dams on the management of water resources within the context of total catchment development |
Pages 23-28 |
Sara Beavis and Barry Lewis
5 |
Estimating the environmental values of New South Wales rivers |
Pages 29-34 |
Jeff Bennett and Mark Morrison
6 |
Identification and protection of waterway ecological values |
Pages 35-44 |
John Bennett, Norrie Sanders, Dane Moulton, Fiona Redfern and Ngaire Phillips
7 |
Guidelines for site management plans in response to recreational water quality monitoring – developing case studies in the Hawkesbury-Nepean River catchment |
Pages 45-50 |
Adam Boey and Rob Mann
8 |
Urban waterways: Vital components of urban biological networks and essential elements for their functional sustainability |
Pages 51-58 |
Paul Bourne
9 |
Creating a catchment-framed biophysical vision for river rehabilitation programs |
Pages 59-66 |
Gary Brierley and Kirstie Fryirs
10 |
“River of dreams: build it and they will come” (hopefully) |
Pages 67-72 |
Tony Broderick and Nigel Blake
11 |
Putting the wood back into our rivers: An experiment in river rehabilitation |
Pages 73-80 |
Andrew Brooks, Tim Abbe, John Jansen, Matt Taylor and Christopher Gippel
12 |
Effects of pre-Code forest clearfelling on the geomorphology and sedimentology of headwater streams in upland granite terrain, Tasmania |
Pages 81-88 |
Sarah Bunce, Peter McIntosh, Peter Davies and Laurie Cook
13 |
Appraisal: the ‘acid test’ of river restoration |
Pages 89-94 |
Lydia Bruce-Burgess
14 |
Managing livestock to protect the aquatic resources of the Burdekin catchment, North Queensland |
Pages 95-102 |
Damien Burrows and Barry Butler
15 |
Sediment delivery from Moreton Bay’s main tributaries: A multifaceted approach to identifying sediment sources |
Pages 103-108 |
Gary Caitcheon, Ian Prosser, Peter Wallbrink, Grant Douglas, Jon Olley, Andrew Hughes, Gary Hancock and Anthony Scott
16 |
Tools and techniques used by the Bulimba Creek Catchment Coordinating Committee to improve the Bulimba Creek |
Pages 109-114 |
Wayne Cameron, Kathryn Conover and Svetlana Micic
17 |
Flood for thought: Relationships between flow and vegetation dynamics in large arid floodplains |
Pages 115-120 |
Samantha Capon
18 |
Neighbourhood catchments: A new approach for achieving ownership and change in catchment and stream management |
Pages 121-126 |
Chris Carrol, Ken Rohde, Glen Millar, Cameron Dougall, Scott Stevens, Rebecca Ritchie and Sarah Lewis
19 |
The influence of hydrological connectivity on water quality in an anthropogenically flooded River Red Gum (E. camaldulensis) forest |
Pages 127-134 |
Robert Cawley
20 |
MARA (Multi-Attribute Reach Assessment): Simultaneous and rapid evaluation of river ecosystem ‘health’ and conservation values |
Pages 135-140 |
Bruce Chessman
21 |
Estimation of pollutant concentrations for Environmental Management Support System (EMSS) modelling of the south-east Queensland region |
Pages 141-148 |
Francis Chiew and Philip Scanlon
22 |
A framework to assess the environmental water requirements of groundwater dependent ecosystems |
Pages 149-156 |
Craig Clifton and Richard Evans
23 |
A framework for applying the concept of ecosystem services to natural resource management in Australia |
Pages 157-162 |
Steven Cork, David Shelton, Carl Binning and Rachel Parry
24 |
A Comparison of Rainfall Estimation Techniques |
Pages 163-168 |
Barry Croke, Juliet Gilmour and Lachlan Newham
25 |
Alternative approaches to incorporating management options into water quality modelling |
Pages 169-174 |
Susan Cuddy, Joel Rahman, Frances Marston, Shane Seaton and Robert Vertessy
26 |
Understanding landholder willingness and capacity to improve the management of river frontages |
Pages 175-180 |
Allan Curtis, Alistar Robertson and Wayne Tennant
27 |
Bio-geomorphology: Is there a linkage between riparian vegetation and patterns in fluvial geomorphology? |
Pages 181-186 |
Timothy Dilworth
28 |
Obi Obi Creek large woody debris habitat restoration project |
Pages 187-190 |
Stephen Dudgeon
29 |
Automation: An opportunity for improving the health of weir pools in the Murray-Darling Basin |
Pages 191-196 |
Ben Dyer and Jane Roberts
30 |
River management in karst terrains: Issues to be considered with an example from Mole Creek, Tasmania |
Pages 197-204 |
Rolan Eberhard and Ian Houshold
31 |
Benchmarking of present river condition after 34 years of large scale interbasin water transfers: Snowy River, Australia |
Pages 205-210 |
Wayne Erskine, Ashley Webb, Lisa Turner, Brett Miners, Teresa Rose and Robyn Bevitt
32 |
Waterway health assessments – A useful tool in urban waterway management planning |
Pages 211-216 |
Jodie Fielding, Lucy Peljo, Christy Thomason and Tony Weber
33 |
Managing impacts of urbanisation on receiving waters: A decision-making framework |
Pages 217-224 |
Tim Fletcher, Tony Wong, Hugh Duncan, John Coleman and Graham Jenkins
34 |
The role of land tenure in determining the condition of riparian zones |
Pages 225-230 |
Tim Fletcher and Leon Bren
35 |
Stream velocity distribution: A potentially useful variable for stream health assessment |
Pages 231-238 |
Christopher Gippel and Tim Rhodes
36 |
The application of fluvial geomorphology to stream management in the Melbourne Water area |
Pages 239-244 |
Christopher Gippel, Scott Seymour, Sandra Brizga and Neil Craigie
37 |
A comparison of aquatic biota and water quality in two tributaries of Native Dog Creek with different land-use activities |
Pages 245-252 |
Margaret Greenway, Carolyn Polson and Heather Proctor
38 |
Stock tracks and the delivery of pollutants to streams by overland flow |
Pages 253-258 |
Peter Hairsine, Kathryn Bormann and Jim Brophy
39 |
Surface-subsurface hydrological connectivity in sand-bed streams |
Pages 259-264 |
Peter Hancock, Andrew Boulton and Allan Raine
40 |
A risk-based approach to prioritisation of waterway management programs |
Pages 265-270 |
Ross Hardie and Chris Chesterfield
41 |
Geomorphic categorisation of the streams in the Hawkesbury-Nepean Catchment: An application and review of the River StylesTM Framework |
Pages 271-276 |
Ross Hardie and Rohan Lucas
42 |
Providing water to Murrumbidgee billabongs – Maximising ecological value |
Pages 277-284 |
Lorraine Hardwick, James Maguire, Mark Foreman and Paul Frazier
43 |
Nutrient release from lowland river sediments |
Pages 285-288 |
Michael Harper, Sophie Bourgues, Michael Grace, Phillip Ford and Barry Hart
44 |
Application of ecological risk assessment in river management |
Pages 289-296 |
Barry Hart, Michael Grace, Peter Breen, Peter Cottingham, Pat Feehan and Mark Burgman
45 |
An adaptive management Approach to Rehabilitation of the Tributaries of the Gippsland Lakes |
Pages 297-302 |
Leanne Haupt and Rex Candy
46 |
An innovative stream assessment process – The Genoa River |
Pages 303-308 |
Leanne Haupt and Rex Candy
47 |
Durability of Pacific Northwest instream structures following floods of a five-year or greater return interval |
Pages 309-314 |
Dave Heller, Brett Roper, Deborah Konnoff and Ken Wieman
48 |
Planting trees for salinity management – will they help meet end of valley targets? |
Pages 315-322 |
Natasha Herron, Richard Davis, Warrick Dawes and Ray Evans
49 |
Gully density mapping for Australian river basins |
Pages 323-328 |
Andrew Hughes, Ian Prosser, Janelle Stevenson, Anthony Scott, Hua Lu, John Gallant and Chris Moran
50 |
Stream diversity and conservation in Tasmania: Yet another new approach |
Pages 329-336 |
Kathryn Jerie, Ian Houshold and David Peters
51 |
Diatom Prediction and Classification System for Urban Streams – An Overview |
Pages 337-342 |
Jacob John
52 |
The condition in the Queensland Murray-Darling Basin using the ‘State of the Rivers’ Method |
Pages 343-348 |
Denise Paige-Johnson
53 |
Designing grass filter strips to trap sediment and attached nutrient |
Pages 349-354 |
Linda Karssies and Ian Prosser
54 |
Palaeoecological evidence for historical floodplain responses to river regulation: Barmah Forest, south-eastern Australia |
Pages 355-360 |
Christine Kenyon
55 |
AUSRIVAS in Tasmania: The development of a rapid bio-assessment tool and its incorporation into statewide monitoring strategies |
Pages 361-368 |
Tom Krasnicki and Martin Read
56 |
Restoring streams: Re-building and re-connecting (KEYNOTE ADDRESS) |
Pages 369-372 |
Sam Lake
57 |
Licensing of aquaculture developments in Victoria |
Pages 373-378 |
Barry Lewis and Sara Beavis
58 |
Rehabilitation of fish habitats in a sediment impacted reach of the Murrumbidgee River, ACT |
Pages 379-386 |
Mark Lintermans
59 |
Controlling exotic pest fishes in Queensland: Strategies, tools and techniques |
Pages 387-390 |
Rachel Mackenzie and Marc Bryant
60 |
Predicting pre-disturbance loading and distribution of large woody debris |
Pages 391-396 |
Nick Marsh, Ian Rutherfurd and Kathryn Jerie
61 |
Enhancing instream habitat with large woody debris: A flume experiment |
Pages 397-402 |
Nick Marsh, Andrew Western, Rodger Grayson, Ian Rutherfurd and Brian Finlayson
62 |
Geomorphology and Physical Limnology of Floodplain Lakes – Two Case Studies of Stratification in the Macdonald River Valley, New South Wales |
Pages 403-412 |
Natalie Marshall
63 |
Relationships Between the Ecological Condition of Rivers and Modifications to their Flow Regimes: An Integrated Study using Multiple Indicators |
Pages 413-420 |
Jonathan Marshall, Satish Choy, Glenn McGregor, Bernie Cockayne, Peter Negus, Christopher Marshall, Diane Conrick, Chris Thomson, Jaye Lobegeiger, Denise Johnson, Peter Davies, David Moffatt and Bronwyn Harch
64 |
Queensland laws protecting riparian vegetation |
Pages 421-426 |
Chris McGrath
65 |
Before and after riparian management: Sediment and nutrient exports from a small agricultural catchment, Western Australia |
Pages 427-434 |
Lucy McKergow, David Weaver, Ian Prosser, Rodger Grayson and Adrian Reed
66 |
An ecological risk assessment of a trial application of active barrier materials to control sediment nutrient release: a qualitative ecological risk assessment for Lake Carramar |
Pages 435-440 |
Barry McWilliam, Hart Michael and Michael Waters
67 |
Beyond monitoring – the understanding of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in streams of the Atlantic Rainforest, Brazil |
Pages 441-446 |
Timothy Moulton
68 |
Estimated total stream power as a tool for predicting channel erosion in a disturbed catchment, coastal New South Wales |
Pages 447-454 |
Rachel Nanson and Gerald Nanson
69 |
Design of water quality monitoring programs and automatic sampling techniques |
Pages 455-460 |
Lachlan Newham, Barry Croke and Tony Jakeman
70 |
Stream health and value in SE Queensland |
Pages 461-468 |
Mark O’Donohue, Thorsten Mosisch, Garry Bennison, Kim Clark and Diane Conrick
71 |
Effects of reduced flooding on the soils and plants of a lowland semiarid floodplain in south-central Queensland |
Pages 469-476 |
Ralph Ogden and Martin Thoms
72 |
Prediction of river bed sediment size as a function of stream power and channel confinement in the Murrumbidgee catchment above Wagga Wagga |
Pages 477-482 |
Ralph Ogden and William Young
73 |
Gravel bed river riffle restoration in New South Wales |
Pages 483-488 |
David Outhet, Andrew Brooks, Walter Hader, Peter Corlis, Allan Raine, Tony Broderick, Estelle Avery and Scott Babakaiff
74 |
Application of the River Styles framework to river management programs in New South Wales |
Pages 489-492 |
David Outhet, Kirstie Fryirs, Cliff Massey and Gary Brierley
75 |
The economics of water quality – an investigation within the Condamine Catchment, Murray-Darling Basin, Queensland |
Pages 493-500 |
Ashley Page
76 |
Some thoughts on humans and waterways |
Pages 501-506 |
Michael Papworth and Barry Lewis
77 |
Soil stabilising characteristics of native riparian vegetation in New Zealand: Application to stream bank stability |
Pages 507-512 |
Chris Phillips, Michael Marden, Donna Rowan and Jagath Ekanayake
78 |
Determining the conservation values of rivers – trial of a new method in the Burnett Catchment, Central Queensland |
Pages 513-520 |
Ngaire Phillips
79 |
Condamine Balonne water quality management plan |
Pages 521-528 |
Gavin Prentice and Bob Walker
80 |
Predictions of the sediment regime of Australian rivers |
Pages 529-536 |
Ian Prosser, Andrew Hughes, Paul Rustomji, Bill Young and Chris Moran
81 |
A Tool to Design Natural Urban Channel Systems |
Pages 537-544 |
Khondker Rahman
82 |
Sawn timber from 10-year-old pruned Eucalyptus nitens (Deane & Maiden) grown in an agricultural riparian buffer |
Pages 545-550 |
Rowan Reid and Russell Washusen
83 |
The development of waterway action plans by the North East Catchment Management Authority in association with ID&A Pty. Ltd. |
Pages 551-554 |
John Riddiford, Christopher Dwyer and Dean Judd
84 |
Rivers – do they all have the same sensitivity to change? An assessment of the geomorphic stability of rivers in coastal south eastern Australia |
Pages 555-560 |
Paul Rustomji and Ian Prosser
85 |
Protecting Ecosystem Services: Science, Economics, and Policy (KEYNOTE ADDRESS) |
Pages 561-564 |
James Salzman, Barton Thompson Jr and Gretchen Daley
86 |
Attributes of Preferred Foraging Habitats of Platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) |
Pages 565-570 |
Melody Serena, Melanie Swinnerton, Marianne Worley and Geoff Williams
87 |
Application of an ecosystem services inventory approach to the Goulburn Broken Catchment |
Pages 571-576 |
David Shelton, Steven Cork, Carl Binning, Rachel Parry, Peter Hairsine, Rob Vertessy and Mirko Stauffacher
88 |
The flow events method for developing environmental flow regimes |
Pages 577-582 |
Michael Stewardson
89 |
Uncertainty in stream rehabilitation planning: an example from the Snowy River |
Pages 583-588 |
Michael Stewardson and Christopher Gippel
90 |
Zen and the art of river management: A socio-geomorphological experiment exposed |
Pages 589-596 |
Damon Telfer and David Miller
91 |
The interplay between the disciplines in river science (KEYNOTE ADDRESS) |
Pages 597-604 |
Martin Thoms
92 |
The importance of large woody debris replacement in sandy river systems |
Pages 605-610 |
Bill Till, Peter Davies and Antonietta Torre
93 |
New software to aid water quality management in the catchments and waterways of the south-east Queensland region |
Pages 611-616 |
Robert Vertessy, Fred Watson, Joel Rahman, Susan Cuddy, Shane Seaton, Francis Chiew, Phillip Scanlon, Frances Marston, Leo Lymburner, Sebastien Jeannelle and Mark Verbunt
94 |
Contribution of sediment and sediment bound P from different landuses to two contrasting streams in temperate and tropical Australia |
Pages 617-624 |
Peter Wallbrink, Candace Martin and Cathy Wilson
95 |
Developing predictive ecological capacity for a stormwater management decision-making framework |
Pages 625-630 |
Christopher Walsh, Tim Fletcher, Tony Wong and Peter Breen
96 |
Deploying environmental software using the Tarsier modelling framework |
Pages 631-638 |
Fred Watson, Joel Rahman and Shane Seaton
97 |
Biogeochemistry of a Sand Slug Stream |
Pages 639-646 |
Kellie Watts, Barry Hart and Michael Grace
98 |
Relationships between stream order and management priority: A water quality case study |
Pages 647-652 |
David Weaver, Adrian Reed and John Grant
99 |
Cataclysmic erosion, Tristaniopsis laurina colonisation and the late holocene stability of Bruces Creek, Nadgee State Forest, NSW |
Pages 653-658 |
Ashley Webb, Wayne Erskine and Deirdre Dragovich
100 |
Large woody debris, riparian vegetation and pool formation on sand-bed, forest streams in southeastern Australia |
Pages 659-664 |
Ashley Webb and Wayne Erskine
101 |
Values, incentives and private land management |
Pages 665-672 |
Stuart Whitten and Jeff Bennett
102 |
Water resource planning – groundwater and surface water interactions in Western Queensland |
Pages 673-680 |
Simon Wiggins and Daniel Larsen
103 |
Rehabiliting pool and riffle sequences: The role of alternate bar dynamics and flow constriction |
Pages 681-688 |
Scott Wilkinson, Robert Keller and Ian Rutherfurd
104 |
Public environmental reporting: Application to the water industry and stream management |
Pages 689-694 |
Deborah Woods
105 |
An index of river hydrology change for use in assessing river condition |
Pages 695-700 |
William Young, Fiona Dyer and Martin Thoms
106 |
Modelling long-term average nutrient loads in large-scale river networks |
Pages 701-708 |
William Young and Ian Prosser