4ASM Proceedings

1 Monitoring dairy farm impacts on the Sandy Creek
Pages 1-7
Sharon Aarons, Alice Melland and Cameron Gourley

2 Improving riparian zone management in the intensive grazing industries of southern Victoria
Pages 8-12
Sharon Aarons, Michelle Jones-Lennon and Phil Papas

3 A sluggish recovery: the indelible marks of landuse change in the Loddon River catchment
Pages 13-21
Bruce Abernethy, Andrew Markham, Ian Prosser and Tanya Wansbrough

4 Experiences in the application of the ‘habitat hectares’ approach to systematic riparian vegetation assessments in Victoria … roll out of the new ISC
Pages 22-27
Michael Aberton, Daniel Jamieson and James Kaye

5 Local knowledge of the Narran Lakes: oral history as a line of evidence in ecological understanding
Pages 28-33
Janey Adams and Dianne Tyson

6 Queensland’s Wild Rivers Policy
Pages 34-39
John Amprimo

7 The Riparian Rehabilitation Experiment: evolution of a practical methodology
Pages 40-46
Brett Anderson, Paul Reich and Sam Lake

8 How does riparian vegetation condition influence floods?
Pages 47-51
Brett Anderson, Ian Rutherfurd and Andrew Western

9 The complex effect of fine tree roots on shear stress of cohesive stream banks
Pages 52-58
Chad Bailey and Ian Rutherfurd

10 Demonstration reaches for native fish: moving from theory to practice
Pages 59-67
Jim Barrett and Dean Ansell

11 The benefits of community monitoring programs
Pages 68-70
Plaxy Barratt, Natalie Fries, Kate McNicholl and Gavin Prentice

12 Management of stock access to the riparian zone – Best Management Practices
Pages 71-77
Ian Bell

13 Quantifying instream hydraulic habitat heterogeneity: the development of a flow-type heterogeneity index
Pages 78-83
Margot Biggin and Michael Stewardson

14 Environmental Issues associated with Trevallyn Power Station Operations
Pages 84-89
Christopher Bobbi, Peter Davies and Helen Locher

15 Disturbance regimes and stream restoration: the importance of restoring refugia
Pages 90-94
Nick Bond and Sam Lake

16 Merging the fish, the wood and the engineer: the complex physical response to additions of woody debris
Pages 95-102
Dan Borg, Ian Rutherfurd and Mike Stewardson

17 Continuous monitoring of pool habitats in sand bed streams: a new method using a pressure-transducer
Pages 103-107
Dan Borg, Ian Rutherfurd and Mike Stewardson

18 More than just a good story: lessons learnt from oral histories of Australian rivers
Pages 108-113
Andrew Boulton, Peter Berney and Debra Panizzon

19 The Brumbys Creek Rehabilitation Program
Pages 114-119
Stephen Bresnehan

20 Landscape perspectives on river rehabilitation practice
Pages 120-124
Gary Brierley

21 Making integrative, cross-disciplinary research happen: initial lessons from the Upper Hunter River Rehabilitation Initiative
Pages 125-133
Gary Brierley, C. Miller, Andrew Brooks, Kirstie Fryirs, Andrew Boulton, Darren Ryder, Michelle Leishman, Daniel Keating and James Lander

22 Wood reintroduction in a multi-objective river rehabilitation project: the Upper Hunter River Rehabilitation Initiative
Pages 134-140
Andrew Brooks and Timothy Cohen

23 A synthetic analysis of the science of stream restoration
Pages 141-141
Shane Brooks, Sam Lake and Emily Bernhardt

24 Environmental Values and their Place in the National Water Reform Agenda
Pages 142-146
Arlene Buchan

25 Integration of stream health protection measures within the Pine Rivers Shire planning scheme, Queensland
Pages 147-153
Dave Campin, Terry Loos, Peter Loose and Ulrike Nolte

26 The potential of Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) data to produce detailed surveys of rivers: an example from the Hunter River, New South Wales, Australia
Pages 154-158
Timothy Cohen, Andrew Brooks and Bongkoch Samosorn

27 Nooramunga Corner Inlet Water Quality Monitoring Project: a concerned community monitoring their catchment
Pages 159-166
Tanya Cowell and Jo James

28 The Tasmanian CFEV Project: an audit of Tasmanian freshwater dependent ecosystems
Pages 167-172
Peter Davies

29 A rapid method for assessing the condition of riparian zones in the wet/dry tropics of northern Australia
Pages 173-178
Ian Dixon, Michael Douglas and John Dowe

30 Integrated river health planning and investment by regional communities using an asset-based approach
Pages 179-184
Alieta Donald, Shelley Heron and Jane Doolan

31 Application of the FLOWS method to the determination of environmental water requirements for the Welcome River in Tasmania
Pages 185-191
Louise Donnelly, Michael Shirley and Bruce Abernethy

32 Models to predict the effects of environmental flow releases on wetland inundation and the success of colonial bird breeding in the Lachlan River, NSW
Pages 192-198
Patrick Driver, Shahadat Chowdhury, Paul Wettin and Hugh Jones

33 The Tasmanian Conservation of Freshwater Ecosystem Values project: defining and selecting Special Values
Pages 199-204
Helen Dunn and Danielle Heffer

34 River management prioritisation for a wet tropics river
Pages 205-210
Alan Dunne, John Ridd and Elaine Ridd

35 What shall we do with the Tumut River?
Pages 211-216
Christopher Dwyer, Timothy Smith, Sally Bagg and Dimity Podger

36 A comparison of computational intelligence systems for river flow forecasting
Pages 217-222
Ririn Erinawati and John Fenton

37 Fish passage problems and their remediation: Bandon Grove Weir, Williams River, NSW
Pages 223-229
Wayne Erskine

38 Mitigating the effects of forest roads on water quality by managing hydrological connections
Pages 230-236
Houshang Farabi, Ryde James and Robert McCormack

39 Quantifying the impacts of urbanisation on stream hydrology
Pages 237-242
Rob Ferguson, Ross Hardie and Stephen Miller

40 Rivercare’s triple bottom line in North West Tasmania: political, professional, practical
Pages 243-249
Arthur Ford, Richard Sands and David Fraser

41 A catchment scale perspective on biophysical fluxes in the Upper Hunter: constraints and limiting factors on a large river rehabilitation experiment at Muswellbrook, NSW
Pages 250-255
Kirstie Fryirs and Gary Brierley

42 Linking landscape processes and river systems: assessing implications of catchment-scale (dis)connectivity of sediment movement on river sensitivity, recovery and river management
Pages 256-259
Kirstie Fryirs

43 How Victorian Catchment Management Authorities make decisions about priorities in stream rehabilitation
Pages 260-267
Myriam Ghali, Ian Rutherfurd, Allan Curtis and Rodger Grayson

44 Hydro Tasmania’s Water Management Review process: an effective, catchment-focussed resource management program
Pages 268-273
Helga Grant, Helen Locher and Amanda Jones

45 Comparing apples with pears: a procedure for adding geomorphology to a stream health assessment (the Victorian Index of Stream Condition)
Pages 274-280
James Grove, Ian Rutherfurd and Mike Stewardson

46 An assessment of the dependent hydraulic variables of selected stream reaches and constructed stream diversions in central Queensland
Pages 281-286
Ross Hardie

47 An assessment of factors that may impact on future flows in the River Murray System
Pages 287-292
Ross Hardie and Lindsay White

48 A business based instrument for river management – The Williams River Low Flow Pilot Accreditation Scheme
Pages 293-298
Tony Horn, Neil Griffiths, Garry Hunt, Peter Gillespie, Michael Cashen, Danny Norris and Jeff Palmer

49 Measuring the effect of river rehabilitation for fishes: logistical constraints on experimental design
Pages 299-305
Timothy Howell, Angela Arthington and Brad Pusey

50 Do still waters run deep? Surface flow-typing as a rapid measure of hydraulic conditions for stream habitat assessments
Pages 306-312
Elisa Howes, Margot Biggin and Michael Stewardson

51 Rapid appraisal of riparian condition: on-ground measurement and scaling up to remote sensing
Pages 313-319
Amy Jansen

52 Modelling streambank erosion at catchment scale – what is important for model predictions?
Pages 320-325
Subhadra Jha, Andrew Western, Rodger Grayson and Ian Rutherfurd

53 The initiation of avulsions
Pages 326-332
Dean Judd, Robert Keller, Ian Rutherfurd and John Tilleard

54 A farmer’s approach to stream and floodplain management using ‘natural sequences’
Pages 333-339
Annabelle Keene, Richard Bush, Ian White and Wayne Erskine

55 Water quality and alluvial terraces in an upper catchment stream: Widden Brook, Hunter Valley NSW
Pages 340-343
Annabelle Keene, Richard Bush, Ian White and Wayne Erskine

56 River protection in Australia – holy grail or fool’s gold?
Pages 344-349
Richard Kingsford, Helen Dunn and D. Love

57 The Tasmanian Conservation of Freshwater Ecosystem Values Project: assessing, ranking and grouping the conservation value of river segments
Pages 350-355
Rod Knight and Mick Brown

58 Property planning for cleaner water
Pages 356-362
Kim Krebs

59 Identifying the health of fish communities in the Murray-Darling Basin: the Sustainable Rivers Audit
Pages 363-368
Mark Lintermans, Wayne Robinson and John Harris

60 An Overview of the Tasmanian Conservation of Freshwater Ecosystem Values Project
Pages 369-371
Jessemy Long

61 Capacity building and knowledge exchange methods for river management – Canada and Australia compared
Pages 372-377
Siwan Lovett

62 The Development of a River Management Plan (RMP) for an anabranching section of the River Murray
Pages 378-384
Rohan Lucas and Julian Martin

63 An ecological risk assessment of irrigation in the Ord River catchment, a highly disturbed and poorly understood area in the wet-dry tropics of Australia
Pages 385-390
Mark Lund

64 Interaction between hydraulic habitat and riparian revegetation in controlling aquatic macrophyte growth
Pages 391-397
Stephen Mackay and Nick Marsh

65 Understanding riparian functions for river landscape enhancement
Pages 398-402
Nicolas Marchand, Ken Hughey and Jonet Ward

66 Restoring the water temperature of small streams with riparian revegetation: an experimental study from southeast Queensland
Pages 403-409
Nick Marsh, Stuart Bunn and Kit Rutherford

67 Suspended sediment yield following riparian revegetation in a small southeast Queensland stream
Pages 410-414
Nick Marsh, Ian Rutherfurd and Stuart Bunn

68 Forestry, water yields and water quality on the Koonya uplands, Tasmania – an example of a scientific enquiry addressing community concerns
Pages 415-422
Peter McIntosh, B. Haywood, S. Davies, M. Giblin, K. Wilson and A. Harvey

69 The Bega River Health Agreement: from walk-out to win/win
Pages 423-431
Don McPhee

70 Assessing agrochemical trends in the Namoi River Catchment using an index model
Pages 432-438
Lachlan McQuire, Mel Neave and Scott Rayburg

71 Variations of wetland patch characteristics under different inundation levels using remotely sensed data: preliminary results from the Narran Lakes, NSW
Pages 439-444
Orla Murray, Scott Rayburg, Martin Thoms and Melissa Neave

72 Using two-point velocity measurements to estimate roughness in streams
Pages 445-450
Hien Nguyen and John Fenton

73 River management – bridges we need to cross together
Pages 451-455
E. Nicolson, Kylie Nicholls and Fleur Flanery

74 Multiple lines and levels of evidence for detecting ecological responses to management intervention
Pages 456-463
Richard Norris, Peter Liston, James Mugodo, Sue Nichols and Gerry Quinn

75 Waterbird monitoring in Barmah Forest 2002–2003: adaptive management of a breeding event arising from high regulated flows
Pages 464-469
Paul O’Connor and Keith Ward

76 Using reference reaches to suggest causes of poor river geomorphic condition
Pages 470-476
David Outhet and Carolyn Young

77 The importance of riparian zones to terrestrial birds in a forest region of southeast Australia
Pages 477-482
Grant Palmer and Andrew Bennett

78 A literature review of the factors that control root characteristics of riparian trees
Pages 483-488
Ben Plowman and Ian Rutherfurd

79 Research challenges for regional river management
Pages 489-494
Ian Prosser

80 Getting communities involved in the Waterwatch program: opportunities in river health monitoring and assessment in Victoria
Pages 495-500
Paul Puhar and Sara Johnson

81 The Fitzroy Basin: landscape disturbance and flow monitoring
Pages 501-508
Toni Radcliffe, Peter Negus, Christopher Marshall, Michelle Winning and Bronwyn Harch

82 A preliminary investigation into the influence of changing stream network patterns on the distribution of water in the Narran Lakes Ecosystem
Pages 509-515
Scott Rayburg, Melissa Neave, Martin Thoms and Edwina Mesley

83 Towards estimating hydrological flux of organic carbon using a rainfall-runoff model in the Cotter Catchment
Pages 516-522
Karim Sabetraftar

84 Dorset Waterwatch – monitoring to action in Northern Tasmania
Pages 523-526
Debbie Searle

85 Effect of riparian zone geology on nutrient inputs to streams: An example from the Swan and Canning Catchments, WA
Pages 527-535
Rezina Shams

86 Melbourne Water’s Stream Frontage Management Program – facilitating grass-roots river management
Pages 536-541
Jan Smith and Greg Bain

87 The accumulation of organic matter and the influence of geomorphic variability along the Barwon-Darling River, Australia
Pages 542-547
Mark Southwell, John Foster, Erin Lenon and Martin Thoms

88 A national landscape framework for river and stream conservation: developing a new stream and catchment reference system
Pages 548-552
Janet Stein

89 Quantifying Uncertainty in Estimating Environmental Flow Requirements
Pages 553-561
Michael Stewardson and Ian Rutherfurd

90 An overview of a river styles® assessment in the Duck catchment, NW Tasmania
Pages 562-568
Peter Stronach

91 An economic methodology to analyse investments in river health – preservation versus restoration
Pages 569-574
Neil Sturgess and David Cordina

92 An ecological audit for the Murray-Darling Basin: design and implementation of the Sustainable Rivers Audit
Pages 575-579
Jody Swirepik, Peter Davies and Frederick Bouckaert

93 Delivery of sediment from forest roads to streams: a function of hydrologic connectivity
Pages 580-587
Ingrid Takken, Jacky Croke, Simon Mockler, Peter Hairsine and Patrick Lane

94 The Darling Anabranch – A case of the familiar vs the natural environment
Pages 588-596
Bill Tatnell and Michael Bain

95 A rapid riparian assessment tool for local council urban creek assessment: Ku-ring-gai Council, Sydney, NSW
Pages 597-601
Mark Taylor, Sophia Findlay, Amylia Fletcher and Peter Davies

96 Identifying values and setting management actions and targets in the Goulburn Broken catchment, Victoria
Pages 602-608
Wayne Tennant, Shelley Heron and Tim Doeg

97 River rehabilitation in south-west Western Australia
Pages 609-617
Antonietta Torre and Kathryn Hardcastle

98 The response of stream macro-invertebrate communities to catchment clearing and riparian condition in the Darwin Region (tropical Australia)
Pages 618-622
Simon Townsend, Peter Dostine, Ian Dixon, Robert Karfs and Michael Douglas

99 Modelling the response of native fish to altered habitat, flow and temperature downstream of Dartmouth dam
Pages 623-628
Simon Treadwell, Michael Shirley, Rory Nathan and Kylie Swingler

100 Not all benches are created equal: proposing and field testing an in-channel river bench classification, with implications for environmental flows
Pages 629-635
Geoff Vietz, Mike Stewardson and Ian Rutherfurd

101 Oxygen demand and phosphorus dynamics in an urban weir pool
Pages 636-639
Todd Wallace, George Ganf and Justin Brookes

102 Modelling the impact of land-use change on water resources in south-western Victoria and south-eastern South Australia
Pages 640-645
Kylie Waller and Craig Clifton

103 Restoring the riparian zone – One woman’s success on the Namoi River, North West NSW
Pages 646-651
Robyn Watson and Kathryn Dark

104 The Mary River & tributaries rehabilitation plan: re-floating titanic implementation principles
Pages 652-658
Brad Wedlock and Brian Stockwell

105 Fish habitat improvement using large woody debris: a trial in estuarine tributaries of the Gippsland Lakes, Victoria
Pages 659-665
Leanne Wilkinson, Rex Candy and Simon Conron

106 A trial investigation into channel stabilisation and habitat rehabilitation using large woody debris: East Gippsland, Victoria.
Pages 666-672
Leanne Wilkinson and Rex Candy

107 A practical application of numerical sediment modelling in the Cann River
Pages 673-677
Leanne Wilkinson

108 A method for determining catchment scale priorities for riparian protection and rehabilitation
Pages 678-684
Scott Wilkinson, Robyn Watts, Amy Jansen, Jon Olley, Arthur Read and Tristram Miller

109 Understanding landholder management of riparian zones in the Goulburn Broken Catchment
Pages 685-690
Andrea Wilson, Amy Jansen, Allan Curtis and Alistar Robertson

110 The 2004 technical review of Victorian Index of Stream Condition
Pages 691-696
Paul Wilson

111 Assessing change in riverine organic matter dynamics in the Hunter River, NSW, over the last 200 years: implications for stream restoration
Pages 697-703
Benjamin Wolfenden, Sarah Mika, Andrew Boulton and Darren Ryder

112 Limitations for improving flow regimes when planning at the sub-catchment scale – an example from the Barwon Darling river system, NSW
Pages 704-710
Marita Woods, Mark Rainger and Martin Thoms

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