1 |
Monitoring dairy farm impacts on the Sandy Creek |
Pages 1-7 |
Sharon Aarons, Alice Melland and Cameron Gourley
2 |
Improving riparian zone management in the intensive grazing industries of southern Victoria |
Pages 8-12 |
Sharon Aarons, Michelle Jones-Lennon and Phil Papas
3 |
A sluggish recovery: the indelible marks of landuse change in the Loddon River catchment |
Pages 13-21 |
Bruce Abernethy, Andrew Markham, Ian Prosser and Tanya Wansbrough
4 |
Experiences in the application of the ‘habitat hectares’ approach to systematic riparian vegetation assessments in Victoria … roll out of the new ISC |
Pages 22-27 |
Michael Aberton, Daniel Jamieson and James Kaye
5 |
Local knowledge of the Narran Lakes: oral history as a line of evidence in ecological understanding |
Pages 28-33 |
Janey Adams and Dianne Tyson
6 |
Queensland’s Wild Rivers Policy |
Pages 34-39 |
John Amprimo
7 |
The Riparian Rehabilitation Experiment: evolution of a practical methodology |
Pages 40-46 |
Brett Anderson, Paul Reich and Sam Lake
8 |
How does riparian vegetation condition influence floods? |
Pages 47-51 |
Brett Anderson, Ian Rutherfurd and Andrew Western
9 |
The complex effect of fine tree roots on shear stress of cohesive stream banks |
Pages 52-58 |
Chad Bailey and Ian Rutherfurd
10 |
Demonstration reaches for native fish: moving from theory to practice |
Pages 59-67 |
Jim Barrett and Dean Ansell
11 |
The benefits of community monitoring programs |
Pages 68-70 |
Plaxy Barratt, Natalie Fries, Kate McNicholl and Gavin Prentice
12 |
Management of stock access to the riparian zone – Best Management Practices |
Pages 71-77 |
Ian Bell
13 |
Quantifying instream hydraulic habitat heterogeneity: the development of a flow-type heterogeneity index |
Pages 78-83 |
Margot Biggin and Michael Stewardson
14 |
Environmental Issues associated with Trevallyn Power Station Operations |
Pages 84-89 |
Christopher Bobbi, Peter Davies and Helen Locher
15 |
Disturbance regimes and stream restoration: the importance of restoring refugia |
Pages 90-94 |
Nick Bond and Sam Lake
16 |
Merging the fish, the wood and the engineer: the complex physical response to additions of woody debris |
Pages 95-102 |
Dan Borg, Ian Rutherfurd and Mike Stewardson
17 |
Continuous monitoring of pool habitats in sand bed streams: a new method using a pressure-transducer |
Pages 103-107 |
Dan Borg, Ian Rutherfurd and Mike Stewardson
18 |
More than just a good story: lessons learnt from oral histories of Australian rivers |
Pages 108-113 |
Andrew Boulton, Peter Berney and Debra Panizzon
19 |
The Brumbys Creek Rehabilitation Program |
Pages 114-119 |
Stephen Bresnehan
20 |
Landscape perspectives on river rehabilitation practice |
Pages 120-124 |
Gary Brierley
21 |
Making integrative, cross-disciplinary research happen: initial lessons from the Upper Hunter River Rehabilitation Initiative |
Pages 125-133 |
Gary Brierley, C. Miller, Andrew Brooks, Kirstie Fryirs, Andrew Boulton, Darren Ryder, Michelle Leishman, Daniel Keating and James Lander
22 |
Wood reintroduction in a multi-objective river rehabilitation project: the Upper Hunter River Rehabilitation Initiative |
Pages 134-140 |
Andrew Brooks and Timothy Cohen
23 |
A synthetic analysis of the science of stream restoration |
Pages 141-141 |
Shane Brooks, Sam Lake and Emily Bernhardt
24 |
Environmental Values and their Place in the National Water Reform Agenda |
Pages 142-146 |
Arlene Buchan
25 |
Integration of stream health protection measures within the Pine Rivers Shire planning scheme, Queensland |
Pages 147-153 |
Dave Campin, Terry Loos, Peter Loose and Ulrike Nolte
26 |
The potential of Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) data to produce detailed surveys of rivers: an example from the Hunter River, New South Wales, Australia |
Pages 154-158 |
Timothy Cohen, Andrew Brooks and Bongkoch Samosorn
27 |
Nooramunga Corner Inlet Water Quality Monitoring Project: a concerned community monitoring their catchment |
Pages 159-166 |
Tanya Cowell and Jo James
28 |
The Tasmanian CFEV Project: an audit of Tasmanian freshwater dependent ecosystems |
Pages 167-172 |
Peter Davies
29 |
A rapid method for assessing the condition of riparian zones in the wet/dry tropics of northern Australia |
Pages 173-178 |
Ian Dixon, Michael Douglas and John Dowe
30 |
Integrated river health planning and investment by regional communities using an asset-based approach |
Pages 179-184 |
Alieta Donald, Shelley Heron and Jane Doolan
31 |
Application of the FLOWS method to the determination of environmental water requirements for the Welcome River in Tasmania |
Pages 185-191 |
Louise Donnelly, Michael Shirley and Bruce Abernethy
32 |
Models to predict the effects of environmental flow releases on wetland inundation and the success of colonial bird breeding in the Lachlan River, NSW |
Pages 192-198 |
Patrick Driver, Shahadat Chowdhury, Paul Wettin and Hugh Jones
33 |
The Tasmanian Conservation of Freshwater Ecosystem Values project: defining and selecting Special Values |
Pages 199-204 |
Helen Dunn and Danielle Heffer
34 |
River management prioritisation for a wet tropics river |
Pages 205-210 |
Alan Dunne, John Ridd and Elaine Ridd
35 |
What shall we do with the Tumut River? |
Pages 211-216 |
Christopher Dwyer, Timothy Smith, Sally Bagg and Dimity Podger
36 |
A comparison of computational intelligence systems for river flow forecasting |
Pages 217-222 |
Ririn Erinawati and John Fenton
37 |
Fish passage problems and their remediation: Bandon Grove Weir, Williams River, NSW |
Pages 223-229 |
Wayne Erskine
38 |
Mitigating the effects of forest roads on water quality by managing hydrological connections |
Pages 230-236 |
Houshang Farabi, Ryde James and Robert McCormack
39 |
Quantifying the impacts of urbanisation on stream hydrology |
Pages 237-242 |
Rob Ferguson, Ross Hardie and Stephen Miller
40 |
Rivercare’s triple bottom line in North West Tasmania: political, professional, practical |
Pages 243-249 |
Arthur Ford, Richard Sands and David Fraser
41 |
A catchment scale perspective on biophysical fluxes in the Upper Hunter: constraints and limiting factors on a large river rehabilitation experiment at Muswellbrook, NSW |
Pages 250-255 |
Kirstie Fryirs and Gary Brierley
42 |
Linking landscape processes and river systems: assessing implications of catchment-scale (dis)connectivity of sediment movement on river sensitivity, recovery and river management |
Pages 256-259 |
Kirstie Fryirs
43 |
How Victorian Catchment Management Authorities make decisions about priorities in stream rehabilitation |
Pages 260-267 |
Myriam Ghali, Ian Rutherfurd, Allan Curtis and Rodger Grayson
44 |
Hydro Tasmania’s Water Management Review process: an effective, catchment-focussed resource management program |
Pages 268-273 |
Helga Grant, Helen Locher and Amanda Jones
45 |
Comparing apples with pears: a procedure for adding geomorphology to a stream health assessment (the Victorian Index of Stream Condition) |
Pages 274-280 |
James Grove, Ian Rutherfurd and Mike Stewardson
46 |
An assessment of the dependent hydraulic variables of selected stream reaches and constructed stream diversions in central Queensland |
Pages 281-286 |
Ross Hardie
47 |
An assessment of factors that may impact on future flows in the River Murray System |
Pages 287-292 |
Ross Hardie and Lindsay White
48 |
A business based instrument for river management – The Williams River Low Flow Pilot Accreditation Scheme |
Pages 293-298 |
Tony Horn, Neil Griffiths, Garry Hunt, Peter Gillespie, Michael Cashen, Danny Norris and Jeff Palmer
49 |
Measuring the effect of river rehabilitation for fishes: logistical constraints on experimental design |
Pages 299-305 |
Timothy Howell, Angela Arthington and Brad Pusey
50 |
Do still waters run deep? Surface flow-typing as a rapid measure of hydraulic conditions for stream habitat assessments |
Pages 306-312 |
Elisa Howes, Margot Biggin and Michael Stewardson
51 |
Rapid appraisal of riparian condition: on-ground measurement and scaling up to remote sensing |
Pages 313-319 |
Amy Jansen
52 |
Modelling streambank erosion at catchment scale – what is important for model predictions? |
Pages 320-325 |
Subhadra Jha, Andrew Western, Rodger Grayson and Ian Rutherfurd
53 |
The initiation of avulsions |
Pages 326-332 |
Dean Judd, Robert Keller, Ian Rutherfurd and John Tilleard
54 |
A farmer’s approach to stream and floodplain management using ‘natural sequences’ |
Pages 333-339 |
Annabelle Keene, Richard Bush, Ian White and Wayne Erskine
55 |
Water quality and alluvial terraces in an upper catchment stream: Widden Brook, Hunter Valley NSW |
Pages 340-343 |
Annabelle Keene, Richard Bush, Ian White and Wayne Erskine
56 |
River protection in Australia – holy grail or fool’s gold? |
Pages 344-349 |
Richard Kingsford, Helen Dunn and D. Love
57 |
The Tasmanian Conservation of Freshwater Ecosystem Values Project: assessing, ranking and grouping the conservation value of river segments |
Pages 350-355 |
Rod Knight and Mick Brown
58 |
Property planning for cleaner water |
Pages 356-362 |
Kim Krebs
59 |
Identifying the health of fish communities in the Murray-Darling Basin: the Sustainable Rivers Audit |
Pages 363-368 |
Mark Lintermans, Wayne Robinson and John Harris
60 |
An Overview of the Tasmanian Conservation of Freshwater Ecosystem Values Project |
Pages 369-371 |
Jessemy Long
61 |
Capacity building and knowledge exchange methods for river management – Canada and Australia compared |
Pages 372-377 |
Siwan Lovett
62 |
The Development of a River Management Plan (RMP) for an anabranching section of the River Murray |
Pages 378-384 |
Rohan Lucas and Julian Martin
63 |
An ecological risk assessment of irrigation in the Ord River catchment, a highly disturbed and poorly understood area in the wet-dry tropics of Australia |
Pages 385-390 |
Mark Lund
64 |
Interaction between hydraulic habitat and riparian revegetation in controlling aquatic macrophyte growth |
Pages 391-397 |
Stephen Mackay and Nick Marsh
65 |
Understanding riparian functions for river landscape enhancement |
Pages 398-402 |
Nicolas Marchand, Ken Hughey and Jonet Ward
66 |
Restoring the water temperature of small streams with riparian revegetation: an experimental study from southeast Queensland |
Pages 403-409 |
Nick Marsh, Stuart Bunn and Kit Rutherford
67 |
Suspended sediment yield following riparian revegetation in a small southeast Queensland stream |
Pages 410-414 |
Nick Marsh, Ian Rutherfurd and Stuart Bunn
68 |
Forestry, water yields and water quality on the Koonya uplands, Tasmania – an example of a scientific enquiry addressing community concerns |
Pages 415-422 |
Peter McIntosh, B. Haywood, S. Davies, M. Giblin, K. Wilson and A. Harvey
69 |
The Bega River Health Agreement: from walk-out to win/win |
Pages 423-431 |
Don McPhee
70 |
Assessing agrochemical trends in the Namoi River Catchment using an index model |
Pages 432-438 |
Lachlan McQuire, Mel Neave and Scott Rayburg
71 |
Variations of wetland patch characteristics under different inundation levels using remotely sensed data: preliminary results from the Narran Lakes, NSW |
Pages 439-444 |
Orla Murray, Scott Rayburg, Martin Thoms and Melissa Neave
72 |
Using two-point velocity measurements to estimate roughness in streams |
Pages 445-450 |
Hien Nguyen and John Fenton
73 |
River management – bridges we need to cross together |
Pages 451-455 |
E. Nicolson, Kylie Nicholls and Fleur Flanery
74 |
Multiple lines and levels of evidence for detecting ecological responses to management intervention |
Pages 456-463 |
Richard Norris, Peter Liston, James Mugodo, Sue Nichols and Gerry Quinn
75 |
Waterbird monitoring in Barmah Forest 2002–2003: adaptive management of a breeding event arising from high regulated flows |
Pages 464-469 |
Paul O’Connor and Keith Ward
76 |
Using reference reaches to suggest causes of poor river geomorphic condition |
Pages 470-476 |
David Outhet and Carolyn Young
77 |
The importance of riparian zones to terrestrial birds in a forest region of southeast Australia |
Pages 477-482 |
Grant Palmer and Andrew Bennett
78 |
A literature review of the factors that control root characteristics of riparian trees |
Pages 483-488 |
Ben Plowman and Ian Rutherfurd
79 |
Research challenges for regional river management |
Pages 489-494 |
Ian Prosser
80 |
Getting communities involved in the Waterwatch program: opportunities in river health monitoring and assessment in Victoria |
Pages 495-500 |
Paul Puhar and Sara Johnson
81 |
The Fitzroy Basin: landscape disturbance and flow monitoring |
Pages 501-508 |
Toni Radcliffe, Peter Negus, Christopher Marshall, Michelle Winning and Bronwyn Harch
82 |
A preliminary investigation into the influence of changing stream network patterns on the distribution of water in the Narran Lakes Ecosystem |
Pages 509-515 |
Scott Rayburg, Melissa Neave, Martin Thoms and Edwina Mesley
83 |
Towards estimating hydrological flux of organic carbon using a rainfall-runoff model in the Cotter Catchment |
Pages 516-522 |
Karim Sabetraftar
84 |
Dorset Waterwatch – monitoring to action in Northern Tasmania |
Pages 523-526 |
Debbie Searle
85 |
Effect of riparian zone geology on nutrient inputs to streams: An example from the Swan and Canning Catchments, WA |
Pages 527-535 |
Rezina Shams
86 |
Melbourne Water’s Stream Frontage Management Program – facilitating grass-roots river management |
Pages 536-541 |
Jan Smith and Greg Bain
87 |
The accumulation of organic matter and the influence of geomorphic variability along the Barwon-Darling River, Australia |
Pages 542-547 |
Mark Southwell, John Foster, Erin Lenon and Martin Thoms
88 |
A national landscape framework for river and stream conservation: developing a new stream and catchment reference system |
Pages 548-552 |
Janet Stein
89 |
Quantifying Uncertainty in Estimating Environmental Flow Requirements |
Pages 553-561 |
Michael Stewardson and Ian Rutherfurd
90 |
An overview of a river styles® assessment in the Duck catchment, NW Tasmania |
Pages 562-568 |
Peter Stronach
91 |
An economic methodology to analyse investments in river health – preservation versus restoration |
Pages 569-574 |
Neil Sturgess and David Cordina
92 |
An ecological audit for the Murray-Darling Basin: design and implementation of the Sustainable Rivers Audit |
Pages 575-579 |
Jody Swirepik, Peter Davies and Frederick Bouckaert
93 |
Delivery of sediment from forest roads to streams: a function of hydrologic connectivity |
Pages 580-587 |
Ingrid Takken, Jacky Croke, Simon Mockler, Peter Hairsine and Patrick Lane
94 |
The Darling Anabranch – A case of the familiar vs the natural environment |
Pages 588-596 |
Bill Tatnell and Michael Bain
95 |
A rapid riparian assessment tool for local council urban creek assessment: Ku-ring-gai Council, Sydney, NSW |
Pages 597-601 |
Mark Taylor, Sophia Findlay, Amylia Fletcher and Peter Davies
96 |
Identifying values and setting management actions and targets in the Goulburn Broken catchment, Victoria |
Pages 602-608 |
Wayne Tennant, Shelley Heron and Tim Doeg
97 |
River rehabilitation in south-west Western Australia |
Pages 609-617 |
Antonietta Torre and Kathryn Hardcastle
98 |
The response of stream macro-invertebrate communities to catchment clearing and riparian condition in the Darwin Region (tropical Australia) |
Pages 618-622 |
Simon Townsend, Peter Dostine, Ian Dixon, Robert Karfs and Michael Douglas
99 |
Modelling the response of native fish to altered habitat, flow and temperature downstream of Dartmouth dam |
Pages 623-628 |
Simon Treadwell, Michael Shirley, Rory Nathan and Kylie Swingler
100 |
Not all benches are created equal: proposing and field testing an in-channel river bench classification, with implications for environmental flows |
Pages 629-635 |
Geoff Vietz, Mike Stewardson and Ian Rutherfurd
101 |
Oxygen demand and phosphorus dynamics in an urban weir pool |
Pages 636-639 |
Todd Wallace, George Ganf and Justin Brookes
102 |
Modelling the impact of land-use change on water resources in south-western Victoria and south-eastern South Australia |
Pages 640-645 |
Kylie Waller and Craig Clifton
103 |
Restoring the riparian zone – One woman’s success on the Namoi River, North West NSW |
Pages 646-651 |
Robyn Watson and Kathryn Dark
104 |
The Mary River & tributaries rehabilitation plan: re-floating titanic implementation principles |
Pages 652-658 |
Brad Wedlock and Brian Stockwell
105 |
Fish habitat improvement using large woody debris: a trial in estuarine tributaries of the Gippsland Lakes, Victoria |
Pages 659-665 |
Leanne Wilkinson, Rex Candy and Simon Conron
106 |
A trial investigation into channel stabilisation and habitat rehabilitation using large woody debris: East Gippsland, Victoria. |
Pages 666-672 |
Leanne Wilkinson and Rex Candy
107 |
A practical application of numerical sediment modelling in the Cann River |
Pages 673-677 |
Leanne Wilkinson
108 |
A method for determining catchment scale priorities for riparian protection and rehabilitation |
Pages 678-684 |
Scott Wilkinson, Robyn Watts, Amy Jansen, Jon Olley, Arthur Read and Tristram Miller
109 |
Understanding landholder management of riparian zones in the Goulburn Broken Catchment |
Pages 685-690 |
Andrea Wilson, Amy Jansen, Allan Curtis and Alistar Robertson
110 |
The 2004 technical review of Victorian Index of Stream Condition |
Pages 691-696 |
Paul Wilson
111 |
Assessing change in riverine organic matter dynamics in the Hunter River, NSW, over the last 200 years: implications for stream restoration |
Pages 697-703 |
Benjamin Wolfenden, Sarah Mika, Andrew Boulton and Darren Ryder
112 |
Limitations for improving flow regimes when planning at the sub-catchment scale – an example from the Barwon Darling river system, NSW |
Pages 704-710 |
Marita Woods, Mark Rainger and Martin Thoms