1 |
Adaptive management of natural resources |
Pages 1-6 |
Catherine Allan
2 |
Waterway rehabilitation – Shays Creek |
Pages 7-12 |
Luke Austin
3 |
Estimating sediment loads in Great Barrier Reef catchments: balance between modelling and monitoring |
Pages 13-18 |
Rebecca Bartley, David Post, Anne Kinsey-Henderson and Aaron Hawdon
4 |
A riparian categorisation strategy for urban drainage channels in Gold Coast City |
Pages 19-24 |
Kendall Bott
5 |
Water and conflict resolution: from smoke filled rooms to public participation |
Pages 25-30 |
Kathleen Bowmer
6 |
Science to support water sharing planning in New South Wales |
Pages 31-36 |
Kathleen Bowmer, Phillip Eberbach, Tom Murphy and Eddie Harris
7 |
The first decade of water resource planning in Queensland: What have we learned about environmental flows? |
Pages 37-42 |
Sandra Brizga
8 |
Alluvial gully erosion in Australia’s tropical rivers: a conceptual model as a basis for a remote sensing mapping procedure |
Pages 43-48 |
Andrew Brooks, John Spencer and Jon Knight
9 |
Determining end-point goals and effective strategies for rehabilitation of coastal wetlands: examples from the Burdekin River, North Queensland |
Pages 49-54 |
Damien Burrows and Barry Butler
10 |
Real-life management of an environmental water reserve – a Wimmera perspective |
Pages 55-60 |
Hugh Christie
11 |
An evaluation of Waterwatch activities in West Gippsland, Victoria |
Pages 61-66 |
Tammy Dawson and Bob Goodbourn
12 |
Development and implementation of the Maroochy Waterways Management and Rehabilitation Plan |
Pages 67-72 |
Stephen Dudgeon, David Moore and Mick Smith
13 |
Honeysuckle Reservoir decommissioning |
Pages 73-78 |
Christopher Dwyer
14 |
What’s stopping the water? Identifying influences on environmental water releases in the Wimmera |
Pages 79-84 |
Fiona Dyer, Ben Dyer, Heinz DeChelard and Greg Fletcher
15 |
River restoration based on natural channel characteristics: how to develop restoration designs for different rivers and riparian plant communities |
Pages 85-90 |
Wayne Erskine, Michael Saynor and Gary Fox
16 |
Considered data arrangements for effective and holistic catchment management |
Pages 91-96 |
Paul Fennell and Michael Jensz
17 |
Community wetland monitoring in the South Australian Murray-Darling Basin |
Pages 97-102 |
Adrienne Frears and Tracey Steggles
18 |
Challenges faced in the integration of science in river management in Australia |
Pages 103-108 |
Kirstie Fryirs, Mick Hillman and Alexandra Spink
19 |
Audit and remediation of fish passage barriers in coastal NSW |
Pages 109-114 |
Matthew Gordos, Scott Nichols, Cameron Lay, Anthony Townsend, Charlotte Grove, Simon Walsh and Craig Copeland
20 |
Key ingredients for the successful implementation of riparian rehabilitation programs |
Pages 115-120 |
Lori Gould
21 |
Prediction of fluvial seed dispersal and long-term sustainability of riparian vegetation using sediment transport processes |
Pages 121-126 |
Jeremy Groves, Gary Caitcheon, Richard Norris and David Williams
22 |
What is ‘environmental water’? |
Pages 127-132 |
Mark Hamstead
23 |
Conserving freshwater ecosystem values in Tasmania, Australia: identification and application of freshwater conservation management priority areas |
Pages 133-138 |
Danielle Hardie and Peter Davies
24 |
The impact of fine sediment accumulation on benthic macroinvertebrates: implications for river management |
Pages 139-144 |
Evan Harrison, Richard Norris and Scott Wilkinson
25 |
Uncertainty in diffuse source pollution assessment and mitigation options – who knows? |
Pages 145-150 |
Alexander Herr and Petra Kuhnert
26 |
Valley chokes in the upper Wimmera River catchment are playing key roles in mitigating the threats of erosion – a model case study |
Pages 151-156 |
Martin Hillemacher and Brian Seymour
27 |
Do stakeholder committees produce fair policy outcomes? |
Pages 157-162 |
Jonathon Howard
28 |
Ecological condition and biodiversity value of urban riparian and non-riparian bushland environments: Ku-ring-gai, Sydney |
Pages 163-168 |
Christopher Ives, Mark Taylor and Peter Davies
29 |
Market-based incentives: A consumer’s experience of participating in River Tender |
Pages 169-174 |
Rick James and John Paul
30 |
Using phenology of eucalypts to determine environmental watering regimes for the River Murray floodplain, South Australia |
Pages 175-180 |
Anne Jensen, Keith Walker and David Paton
31 |
New generation models for catchment modelling: developments in the eWater CRC |
Pages 181-186 |
Phillip Jordan, Robert Argent and Rory Nathan
32 |
Connectivity of stream water and alluvial groundwater around restoration works in an incised sand-bed stream |
Pages 187-192 |
Annabelle Keene, Richard Bush and Wayne Erskine
33 |
Boundary shear stress distribution in meandering compound channel flow |
Pages 193-198 |
Kishanjit Kumar Khatua and Kanhu Charan Patra
34 |
Large-area, high-resolution remote sensing based mapping of alluvial gully erosion in Australia’s tropical rivers |
Pages 199-204 |
Jon Knight, John Spencer, Andrew Brooks and Stuart Phinn
35 |
Planning for action: the evolution from state-wide priorities to local work sites |
Pages 205-210 |
Veronica Lanigan and Stuart Pengelly
36 |
Developing appropriate incentives for improving water quality in the Burdekin River catchment |
Pages 211-216 |
Allyson Lankester and Romy Greiner
37 |
Are all river reaches created equal? Identifying erosion hotspots for catchment management |
Pages 217-222 |
Rebecca Lett, Bruce Abernethy and Henry Chaplin
38 |
Connecting the community to waterways through stories |
Pages 223-228 |
Rachel Lopes
39 |
Relationships, resources and results: Reflections on experiences in building capacity for improved river and riparian management |
Pages 229-234 |
Siwan Lovett and Philip Price
40 |
Using remote sensing to map wetland water clarity and permanence: approaches for identifying wetlands requiring management in large catchments |
Pages 235-240 |
Leo Lymburner, Damien Burrows and Barry Butler
41 |
The identification and assessment of water quality hazards in the Leichhardt River, Mount Isa, Queensland |
Pages 241-246 |
Alana Mackay, Tabitha Kuypers and Mark Taylor
42 |
Predicting Ecological Responses for Improved Stream Management |
Pages 247-253 |
Nick Marsh, Sylvain Arene and Ralph Ogden
43 |
River and catchment restoration prioritisation tools |
Pages 254-258 |
Nick Marsh, Simon Linke, Ralph Ogden, Paul Wettin and Peter Cottingham
44 |
Anabranch management on a regulated reach of the Murray River |
Pages 259-264 |
Julian Martin and Dean Judd
45 |
Is new policy evidence based – and is it working? |
Pages 265-269 |
Jim McDonald
46 |
Can the ‘triple bottom line’ concept help organisations respond to sustainability issues? |
Pages 270-275 |
Michael Mitchell, Allan Curtis and Penny Davidson
47 |
Greening Australia river recovery outcomes in rural Northern Tasmania |
Pages 276-281 |
Michael Noble and Sebastian Burgess
48 |
Setting ecological targets for river systems: a framework to support multi-stakeholder groups |
Pages 282-287 |
Ruth O’Connor, Susan Nichols, Peter Oliver, Richard Norris and Bill Johnson
49 |
Assembly of geomorphic targets for stream rehabilitation – summary of a manual template |
Pages 288-293 |
David Outhet and Carolyn Young
50 |
A mouthful of mud: the fate of contaminants from the Fitzroy River, Queensland, Australia and implications for reef water policy |
Pages 294-299 |
Robert Packett
51 |
Optical dating of post-European settlement channel change: Gilmore Creek, southeastern Australia |
Pages 300-305 |
Ken Page, Paul Frazier, Tim Pietsch and Remy Dehaan
52 |
Finding integration pathways: developing a transdisciplinary (TD) approach for the Upper Nepean Catchment |
Pages 306-311 |
Carolyn Palmer, Jacqueline Gothe, Cynthia Mitchell, Chris Riedy, Kate Sweetapple, Sally McLaughlin, Grant Hose, Marian Lowe, Heather Goodall, Trudy Green, Deepak Sharma, Simon Fane, Kerry Brew and Peter Jones
53 |
Adaptive management for determining environmental flows in the Australian Capital Territory |
Pages 312-317 |
Michael Peat and Richard Norris
54 |
Dam threat to a decade of restoration of the Mary River, Queensland |
Pages 318-323 |
Glenda Pickersgill, Steve Burgess and Brad Wedlock
55 |
Are waterways with willows wider? |
Pages 324-329 |
Lizzie Pope, Brian Finlayson and Ian Rutherfurd
56 |
Magnitude of response: selecting sites for monitoring vegetation response to environmental flows |
Pages 330-335 |
Jane Roberts and Fiona Dyer
57 |
Public investment in waterway management in Victoria, Australia |
Pages 336-341 |
Simon Robertson
58 |
Sediment sources in the Lake Burragorang catchment and their management |
Pages 342-347 |
Paul Rustomji and Scott Wilkinson
59 |
City people eat rivers: estimating the virtual water consumed by people in a large Australian city |
Pages 348-353 |
Ian Rutherfurd, Amelia Tsang and Siao Khee Tan
60 |
Managing sources, sinks and transport of natural contaminants in regulated rivers: a case study in the Murrumbidgee River catchment, NSW |
Pages 354-359 |
Darren Ryder, Sue Vink, Nerida Bleakley and Adrienne Burns
61 |
Assessing the health of Tasmanian rivers: collecting the evidence |
Pages 360-365 |
Johanna Slijkerman, James Kaye and Fiona Dyer
62 |
Sediment supply from small upland catchments: possible implications of headwater channel restoration for stream management |
Pages 366-371 |
Hugh Smith and Deirdre Dragovich
63 |
Towards an objective approach for a regional – continental scale geomorphic river classification |
Pages 372-377 |
John Spencer, Andrew Brooks and Jon Knight
64 |
An interdisciplinary perspective of riverwork projects in the Upper Hunter Catchment, NSW: has river rehabilitation begun? |
Pages 378-383 |
Alexandra Spink, Kirstie Fryirs, Gary Brierley and Kate Lloyd
65 |
Testing specific stream power thresholds of channel stability with GIS |
Pages 384-389 |
Mark Stacey and Ian Rutherfurd
66 |
Regional hydraulic geometry models for Queensland streams |
Pages 390-394 |
Sunil Tennakoon and Nick Marsh
67 |
Waterwatch – An integrated capacity building initiative |
Pages 395-400 |
Don Thomson
68 |
Hydraulic geometry in river channel networks as a method for the assessment of river condition |
Pages 401-406 |
Elizabeth Thornton, Melissa Neave and Scott Rayburg
69 |
Trialling different low cost methods of water hyacinth removal in tropical coastal wetlands |
Pages 407-412 |
Vern Veitch, Damien Burrows and David Hudson
70 |
Managing flow for geomorphic form: Erosion and accretion of river benches |
Pages 413-418 |
Geoff Vietz, Ian Rutherfurd, Michael Stewardson and Brian Finlayson
71 |
Biofilm and flow regimes: developing a biological monitoring program for the Nymboida River, northern NSW |
Pages 419-424 |
Emilie Warner, Darren Ryder, Andrew Boulton and Barbara Downes
72 |
Sediment and nutrient generation rates for Queensland rural catchments – an event monitoring program to improve water quality modelling |
Pages 425-430 |
Dave Waters and Robert Packett
73 |
Translating science into practice: Is ‘best practice’ the best option? |
Pages 431-436 |
Justine Watt and Michael Jensz
74 |
Challenges for improving the science underpinning river restoration practices |
Pages 437-442 |
Robyn Watts
75 |
Effects of plantation forest harvesting on water quality and quantity: Canobolas State forest, NSW |
Pages 443-448 |
Ashley Webb, Brad Jarrett and Lisa Turner
76 |
Environmental flows and ecological health of the lower Wimmera River |
Pages 449-454 |
Anne-Maree Westbury, David Tiller and Leon Metzeling
77 |
Examining ‘inclusiveness’ in adaptive natural resource management |
Pages 455-460 |
Deirdre Wilcock
78 |
Monitoring of remediation works to arrest stream degradation in an agriculture-dominated catchment |
Pages 461-466 |
Andrea Wilson, Robyn Watts, Ken Page and Remy Dehaan
79 |
Aquatic macroinvertebrates in urban waterways: comparing ecosystem health in natural reference and urban streams |
Pages 467-472 |
Ian Wright, Peter Davies, David Wilks, Sophia Findlay and Mark Taylor
80 |
Which confluences should we use to differentiate stream segments for management? A geomorphic assessment |
Pages 473-478 |
Elisa Zavadil, Michael Stewardson, Anthony Ladson and Ian Rutherfurd