Water markets are a key mechanism by which Australia manages its water resources as efficiently as possible while supporting economic growth. State and territory governments are responsible for water licensing and trade rules, whereas the Commonwealth maintains a leadership role to coordinate actions to improve the efficient operation of water markets. Water can be traded within catchments, between catchments (where possible) or along river systems, which enables water users to buy and sell water in response to their individual needs. Navigating water market rules and regulations can be difficult, even more so in the face of a changing climate, scarce water resources and fluctuating market prices.
Joining us online (via Zoom) to help us understand it better will be Dr Erin O’Donnell (water law and policy specialist), Ben Williams (President of the Australian Water Brokers Association), Chris Olszak (Aither Economics) and Jeremy Cheeseman (Marsden Jacob Associates).
Presentations will include:
- Dr Erin O’Donnell (University of Melbourne) – Australia’s water markets: the good, the bad and the opportunities to be better.
- Ben Williams (Australian Water Brokers Association president)
- and joined by Chris Olszak (Aither) and Jeremy Cheeseman (Jacobs) in a Q&A panel discussion.
Don’t miss this opportunity to join us online to improve your knowledge and understanding of water markets in Australia, and learn more about the challenges and opportunities in this space.
Details for joining us via Zoom meetings will be sent upon registration (scroll down to ‘Additional Information’).
Sorry this event has ended.
Date: June 4
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Organiser: River Basin Management Society